Chapter 7

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Ahsoka could feel herself start to panic a little as she heard the doors swish open, but nevertheless she kept a straight face.

The soldiers had left Nyx unattended with no cuffs, so when the door opened Nyx ran up to the troopers begging to be let out.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes at his pleas and the trooper's officer stepped forward.

Ahsoka recognized the face and her eyes widened.

"Nice to see you again Ahsoka Tano." The cool voice almost purred.

"Tarkin. Why the hell did they keep you around." Ahsoka growled at him, Nyx merely hid in the corner much to Ahsoka's dismay.

"They found it was necessary to put me in charge to deal with criminals like yourself. It was unusually strange to learn about your whereabouts. I would have imagined you would return home- your home planet of I correct?" Tarkin said to her with venom laced in his voice.

Ahsoka didn't give a response but glared at him.

"And to think the Jedi Council pardoned you for your crimes.." Tarkin said as he slipped his hand to Ahsoka's face to grip her chin.

"A traitor like you......"

Ahsoka being in the position she was in, and sure as hell not wanting him touching her face did the first thing her mind could come up with.

She opened her mouth and bite his hand as hard as she could. Tarkin let out a hiss of pain and wrenched his hand back shaking it with a chuckle.

"Savages, that's what your species are." Tarkin said as he struck her across the face.

Nyx still stood in the corner. Horrified.

Ahsoka collected the blood in her mouth and spat it back out at his feet.

"It's nice to know that one of us hasn't changed.." Ahsoka said as she lifted her head back up to meet his gaze with a smirk.

"You are." She chuckled. "Still a perve." 

The troopers in the back let out a slight laugh.

Tarkin turned his head back to the troopers who immediately stopped.

"Your rambunctious nature will not help you here. The senate- though not in total agreement much to my own displeasure. Has decided to keep this...confidential..." Tarkin said to her.

"So hidden from the Jedi Council then? I never pegged you for a coward." Ahsoka replied.

   "Being smart and being cowardly are very two different things Tano." He said with a scoff.

"Not when it comes to you." Ahsoka snapped right back then smirked at his silence.

"I will report to my superiors of my findings-"

"Tell Satine I said hi!!" Ahsoka said with a laugh as Tarkin scoffed again and left the room with his troopers.

Nyx finally broke his silence and walked towards her.

"What do you think they will do to me?" He asked her looking up at her raised figure.

Ahsoka smirked. Maybe if she could scare him enough....

"They will probably put you in prison for helping me-"

"I didn't help you! I turned you in!!" Nyx yelled.

"After knowing me for how many months?" She raised an eyebrow.

Nyx stayed silent for a minute as he thought..

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