Chapter 19

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Nyx slumped into the nearest chair from outside of the door. Having waited for Ahsoka to finish up with her "message for the chancellor" meant he was waiting outside the door..... with her clone brothers.

Fives and Kix were both passed out. Leaving Nyx alone with Rex.

"Of all the people in this group to be left with.." Nyx grumbled under his breath.

Rex stood at a distance from Nyx, keeping an eye on him as he waited. 

Rex had been waiting for the past two days to get Anakin and Ahsoka alone for a moment. Everything was confusing to him now. 

How had he been able to hear Ahsoka's message back at the prison? Now Rex wasn't a Jedi by any means, and he knew it. The clones were designed, and he was pretty positive that they were not designed to become Jedi.

Maybe it was Ahsoka- maybe she personally sent a message to him. Because it wouldn't make sense if Rex had been able to hear it and no one else- not even General Skywalker.

Rex rubbed his temples in frustration.

Nyx glanced over, stifling a small chuckle.

Rex removed his hands from his forehead, glaring over at Nyx.

"What's so funny." Rex said in a stern tone.

Nyx laughed softly. "Oh nothing.. you just remind me of stripes in there when you do that."

Rex grumbled a few explicit words under his breath.

"How so." 

"You both worry non-stop. I swear, one of your heads are going to explode one day.." Nyx said with a grin, bringing a hand up to nervously rub the back of his neck as he situated himself in his seat.

Rex rolled his eyes with a scoff.

"That too- she does that a lot too!" Nyx chimed. 

Rex just shrugged, hoping that Okami would get the hint and just drop the whole conversation.

"So how did you guys find her?" Nyx asked with a smile.

"Find who?"

"Stripes! What's the backstory with you guys?" 

Rex sighed. "Force you remind me of hardcase..." 

"Who's that?"

"An annoying little piece of-"

"HEY!!" Fives yelled at Rex, cutting off his insult. 

Rex quickly turned his head to the newly awoken clone.

"If the kid is curious then indulge him for crying out loud! What's so wrong with telling him how we met 'soka!" Fives fussed at him.

"IT'S CREEPY!!" Rex yelled back at him.

Nyx's eyes widened at the yell, shrinking into his seat as he silently prayed to whatever god was out there, that this wouldn't interrupt the recording going on in the next room.



"YEAH! YOU DO!" Rex roared back.

"Ok both of you need to calm down.." Nyx stated calmly.

Rex and Fives eyes both widened at the comment, turning slowly to glare at Nyx.

"-or not-" Nyx added quickly with a gulp.

"Rex just answer the kid's question." Fives said, crossing his arms whilst Rex let out a huff. 

"Fine." Rex grumbled.

Walking over at scooting Kix aside, Rex sat down beside him. 

"We found 'soka when she was a kid, I don't remember the specific day or year. We had been assigned to help free the world of Shili, her home world."

"Yeah I know she told me." Nyx cut in.

"Shut it and let me finish the story." Rex said with a glare and Nyx quickly nodded.

"General Sky- Anakin found her hiding in her own home. Her parents had been taken by Ventress and the droid army, but hadn't been able to find her. Which come to think of it was quite strange... anyways. We found her, kix took care of her, we found out she was force sensitive and then we got to keep her. Boom, end of story." Rex said, releasing a long sigh.

Fives laughed loudly. "That wasn't even the half of it!!" 

"Well it's all he needs to know. " Rex said with a huff, crossing his arms.

"True.." Kix added slowly.

____ meanwhile in the next room over____

"Ready to continue?" Padme asked. 

"Yeah... sure." Ahsoka said, taking a deep breath in.

"How long was your time spent training under Palpatine?" 

"A few months, I never really ever kept track."

Padme sighed. 

"Are you the cause of any deaths other than that of the two previous Jedi Masters?" 

Ahsoka's eyes widened, looking over at Anakin.

"You... you have to answer Ahsoka. It's important." Padme said gently taking one of Ahsoka's hands into her own.

Ahsoka slowly nodded. "There were occasional missions, people Sideous didn't need anymore. So I was sent to deal with them.." 

Padme nodded.

"And finally, Ahsoka Tano. Do you still align yourself with the cause that was once the late Chancellor Palpatine's making?" 

Ahsoka gulped. 

Of course she didn't, not the one he had planned for her. But the one she had planned for herself...

Different story.

Ahsoka bit her bottom lip gently, forcing out a small white lie. 

So small, so undetectable even Anakin wouldn't be able to notice.

"No. No I do not." 


I would like to introduce a new story that I'm really working hard on!! I've got to say it's some of my best work yet! It is called "Til the End of Time" and it updates every saturday!! THIS TIME CONSISTANTLY  

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