Chapter 28

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December, 2014

I now know why people complain about being dragged to a festival. They’re loud, sweaty and most importantly over crowded. The weather outside was dreary, and that alone was making my mood go south. Near enough dry humping total strangers whilst they sang Christmas carols and spilled their pints of larger on you was not a very enjoyable experience either. Amber and Shane seemed to be enjoying themselves however, both of them had evidentially had one too many drinks and were singing along obnoxiously loud to Rockin’ around the Christmas tree.

Amber hooked her arm around my neck and started to sway to the music, forcing me to move alongside her also. She had drunkenly stumbled away from whatever guy she was singing to and nestled herself into my side. Shane was nowhere to be seen, so that left me alone with Amber, a very drunk Amber, might I add.

The whole idea of celebrating Christmas this way wasn’t too bad. The lights, music and beer was quite traditional, giving off that Christmas vibe. I’m no scrooge, I can enjoy things from time to time. I wouldn’t have minded attending a festive party, but being groped by drunken old men and having the lyrics to Jingle Bells screamed down your ear was not on my agenda.

I had no choice but to hold Amber around the waist as she continued to dance, she seemed pleased at my actions as she looked up at me and grinned from ear to ear. Surprisingly since the beginning of the year, I had grown a little. I was no longer 5’7, but more leaning towards 5’10 nowadays. Not a huge growth spurt, but it’ll probably be the last one.

Did I mention that it’s my birthday in a couple of months? I’m finally turning the big sixteen. Somehow, I don’t think I’ll be having much of a sweet sixteen. I am planning to get wasted though, and perhaps get with a couple of girls. Now I’ve been with a girl, I see why people like it so much.

“Nate,” Amber slurred, turning her whole body so she was pressed up against me, my chest to her back and the top of her head under my chin.

“Amber,” I replied distractedly, trying to adjust myself so I wasn’t so close to the guy next to me. She tilted her head back and rested it on my left shoulder, her brown hair being swished around in the cold air.

She hiccupped, “Don’t tell Shane...”

I took her hand and laced her fingers with mine, a simple gesture that made her cheeks turn crimson even in her drunken stupor. “Wouldn’t dream of it, darling.” I whispered into her ear. I felt her shiver and at that point I knew she was putty in my hands. Slowly, I moved my hands from her waist to her hips and curled my fingers around her thin frame.

Moving one hand to her neck, I brushed her hair to the side and placed a single kiss on the junction between her neck and shoulder. The people around us were in similar positions, boyfriends holding their girlfriends and whispering into their ears. She and I probably looked like a happy couple, but in reality I was just looking for an easy shag.

She gripped my hand tighter as I lightly nipped at her ear, making sure to blow cold air on it after. I decided to step it up a gear and pressed my lips against the shell of her ear, dropping my voice to a low whisper. “Sweetheart...” I murmured, being sure to tighten my hold on her hips.

Her breath hitched and I smirked to myself, pressing harder against her back. I felt her turn in my hold before she wound her hands around my neck and turned her gaze towards my lips. I felt my upper lip twitch at her reaction and braced myself for her kiss. Within seconds of my half smirk forming on my lips, it was forced off as she kissed me.

It wasn’t a kiss like last time. This time it wasn’t desperate and needy, neither of us were in a rush to rip each other’s clothes off and just get the deed over with. Her lips moved with mine in a way that I had never expected, and that really didn’t help with my boner issue.

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