T W E N T Y - T W O

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Katsuki was enjoying the weekend so far. Obviously not every single moment, but most of it. Last night Mic stayed over and he made sure to thoroughly embarrass them. He loved his teacher's cats. Today was Sunday. He would be going on his date today. He was really excited. There were still specks and smears of blood on his skin, he couldn't get it off no matter how hard he scrubbed.

Katsuki ate a breakfast of rice porridge and basked in the safety of his teacher's warm presence. He liked Mic too, though the man didn't have the effect Aizawa had. Mic gave off no danger, but Katsuki hadn't really assessed the man yet. Aizawa confirmed how safe he was by leaving him with the loud man often.

He hadn't known what to wear so he pulled on black jeans and a white tee as an undershirt. He tied a blue sweater just in case on his waist. He promised Aizawa that he wouldn't do anything he wasn't supposed to and that he'd be careful before leaving.

He walked down the already crowded streets to the cafe. Pausing to wait for the light to turn in the intersection. When it did, he crossed to the cafe. He checked the time, he was on time. Where was Kaminari? He waited there for a few more minutes before sighing and wiping at his eyes.

"Someone stand you up?" the woman who worked the front of the cafe asked, sounding very sympathetic. He shrugged, frowning. Kaminari didn't seem like that kind of person. "I'm getting off break soon, if you would like to wait a little longer " She offered.

He shook his head, bowing slightly, "Thank you for the offer, but I'm gay"

"That's okay! I'm straight but it can just be a friendly 'date'"

" I think I'll wait a little longer for him, but if he doesn't show by the end if your shift, I'll take you up in your offer, thank you"

"I'm Jane"


"I was born in America, I moved here few years ago"

"Ah, I'm Katsuki"

"Nice to– oh! Be right back!" He watched as she rushed to the door and greeted a couple. He stood there a little longer until he heard his name. Jane, who he'd been talking to again turned too.

"Katsuki! Thank god you're still here! I'm so sorry! I had to go to like five places to get this!" Kaminari said, holding a potted plant in his hands. "I can tell you like plants so... I figured you'd like it" Katsuki took the plant, cheeks feeling warm at such an unnoticeable detail the teen had taken into account.

Jane laughed, "I'll have a seat you two ready real quick okay? One moment" She walked into the cafe and called for someone. Katsuki grinned at Kaminari.

"She seems nice"

"She offered to be my date if you didn't show"

"I'm really sorry about being so late"

"I know" Katsuki smirked.

"Hi I'm Yuki, I'll be your server today, please follow me" A waitress bowed at them. Katsuki could see Jane in the background giving a thumbs up. He nodded a smile crossing his face. They were led to a seat and left to give them a few minutes to choose from the menu. Katsuki scanned but he could barely find anything really spicy sounding. So he settled for spicy orange tofu, Kaminari going with a much milder option of taking soba. Katsuki almost made a comment about it being something icy-hot would get but he refrained.

"Thank you" He practically whispered.

"For what?"

"Every-fucking-thing. I've never been on a date before"

"Really?" With your looks, I'm surprised you don't have people all over you"

"I do. Just not... That way"

"Oh my god! I'm sorry!"

"it's fine, I came to terms with it yesterday. It's done and over"

Kaminari clenched his fist, "You're so cool. My number one!" Katsuki blushed "I mean it! Your everyone's number one!"

He looked away. "Tch." If anything, Kaminari was number one. 

Word Count: 685 

(Tad shorter sorry)

((Grammar and Spelling fixed))

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