Chapter ten

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"Anthony, please, over here! Anthony!" A reporter shouted for the boys attention. The boy in question was trying so, so hard not to snap at anyone but being bombarded and blinded by reporter isn't calming his anger.

"Only three days to the Royal Cotillion." Another reporter shoved a camera in the boys face. "Did you ever think a person such as yourself would ever be a member of the Court?"

"How does it feel to be the most envied person in Auradon?" Anther reporter asked.

Just smile and nod. Don't kill or curse them, you promised Evie. Anthony repeated over and over in his head.

"Tell us, what's it like dating prince Ben?" Fuck you, that's what it's like.

"What's your relationship with Ethan, Elsa's son?" Why am I even getting asked this?

"Okay. All right. Excuse me." Ben pushed his way though the crowd of reporters to stand by Anthony's side. "They are very good friends, like myself and the other vk's." He answered.

"Did you ever think you'd be with a Villain Kid?"

"We're done here." Ben immediately shut down the question. He laced his fingers Anthony's and walked away from the reporters to let Fairy Godmother deal with them.

"Thank you, for pulling me away from that situation. I don't know what I would have done if I stayed there any longer." Anthony got in his tippy toes to peck Ben on the cheek.

"PDA." FG sang with a warning tone breaking the couple apart. "Anthony. Ben."

"Fairy Godmother." They nodded respectfully as the woman waltzed past them.

Anthony breathed a sigh of relief when the woman disappeared down the halls.

"Don't pay any attention to them." Ben shifted Anthony's gaze back on himself and laid a finger under his chin.

"Well, that's a lot easier said than done, Ben." The shorter sighed. "You're not the one being hunted down for the simplest of questions."

"I know." Ben cupped Anthony's face delicately within his hands. "You know, maybe we should do something."

Anthony smirked. "Who knew you had such a side to you, Ben-alotta-ding-dong?" The prince chuckled wholeheartedly at the others humor.

"What I meant my dirty little bird." He bopped Anthony's nose. "Is that we should go somewhere and get away."

"Yeah, I'd love that." Anthony closed his eyes and imagined himself and Ben having a nice little picnic in the enchanted forest.

"Me too. We just-" Ben's wrist watch suddenly starts buzzing. "I have a council meeting. I'm late!"

"Then why are you still here talking to me? Go." Anthony gave Ben one more peck on the lips before pushing him away. "Go to the meeting Ben." The evil queen's son chuckled at his boyfriends frozen state.

"Uh... Right the meeting." Ben said a little dazed before he walked away but not before giving Anthony a quick side hug.

"Looks like someone's getting cozy." Anthony spun around to face his sister, Evie smirking like a true villain.

"Oh dear sister, you're beginning to sound like mother." The blue haired girl gasped dramatically.

"Take that back right now, or else..."

"Or else what Eve's?"

"I'll let Ben on that little secret of yours." Evie grinned as the look of horror graced Anthony's face.

"You wouldn't dare." He challenged.

"Wait until he found out you-" Anthony covered the girls mouth.

"Alright, I'm sorry." He apologized. "Let's just forget this ever happened and go do my suit fitting, please." Evie nodded and lead them back to her room.


"Oh! Okay, Evie, these are too tight, but I like it." Anthony spun around in front of the full length mirror, admiring his tight dress pants.

"Right." Evie agreed.

"But I'd also like to move and breath, so let's make them a little looser." He noted and Evie nodded to his decision.

"Do either of you ever think about what we'd be doing if we were back on the Isle right now?" Mal asked unexpectedly. Anthony literally forgot she was there from how quiet she was.

"That's funny. Ah! Look who's on TV." Evie pointed to the screen where Anthony and Ben were on.

"As the royal couple continues their tour of the kingdom, they dined with Aladdin and Jasmine. Six months ago..."

"Yeah." Anthony smiled remembering the flying carpet ride.

"No one would have thought King Ben, and his boyfriend from the wrong side of the bridge would last."

"I have a name." Anthony rolled his eyes.

"Anthony must be counting the days until the Royal Cotillion... when he will officially become a member of the Court."

"Not really, I'm just letting the days fly by." He spoke to the on-air reporter before shutting off the television. "Anyways ladies, I need some date idea."

Evie squealed and started clapping while Mal scoffed and went back to her book. "How about a picnic by the enchanted lake."

"Evie... Tell why I was thinking the same think minutes ago." The siblings joined each other in delightfully laughter, while unknowingly grossing Mal out from the other side of the room.

"So it's set." Anthony nodded to himself. "I'll set a picnic up near the lake and make lunch."

"Oh, I gave the perfect spell for that." Mal sat up deciding to now join the conversation.

"Thanks, but no thanks Mal." Anthony denied her help. "I want to make the food myself and not have magic involved, although it would make it easier. I want it to be... ordinary."

"Like mother always said..." Evie smiled.

"The fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Evie and Anthony in unison.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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