Chapter three

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Anthony outfit


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The next morning I went through my classes thinking about what to tell Ethan. And wondering if he knew anything about my parents.

I gather my thoughts and made my way to the library to talk to Ethan and hopefully he could share some insight about some other things I don't understand.

I walked into the library and immediately spotted the white haired male sitting on the far end of the grand table.

"Ethan!" I called out his name quietly so I would get in trouble with the librarian.

"Anthony, hey take a seat." I sat in the seat in front of him. "So how'd you get your powers?"

Wow, he just jumped into the conversation ok.

"I think it has something to do with my parents, I've never met or seen them so I could have gotten my powers from them." I tell him.

"Well your in luck I'm a nerd, so yesterday when we meet I ran to the library and gathered any book I could find on people with fire powers." Ethan shuffled through his bag and pulled out this gigantic old looking brown book.


"Yeah, here check the first page you'll find it really....... interesting." I grabbed the book and opened it 'Phoenix' was the first word I saw written in golden ink.

I ran my finger over the golden words. "Why does it feel like I've seen this before?" I asked myself out loud.

"If you think that ones weird flip to page sixty." Ethan tells me. I look at the platinum blonde boy.

I flipped page after page until I found myself in sixty. "Dragons." The page title read.

"Phoenix and Dragons, Anthony!" Ethan exclaimed kinda nerding out.

"So?" I asked wanting him to get to the point.

"So? This means we're one step closer in finding your real parents, here look." Ethan pulled out another book. He opened it and flipped a couple pages. "There is said to be only a hand full of people worthy to hold the power of the Phoenix...." He read.

"Do they have any record on who held the power of the Phoenix?" I asked.

"That's the best part it's in the museum." His eyes shifted from his normal blue, to a blinding white.

"Calm down there buddy, shouldn't I be the one excited here?" I asked the overly happy teen in front of me.

"Sorry, buy I just love mysteries and history." The boy calmed down. "So I was thinking we'd go tomorrow to figure out some stuff. You in?" He asked.

"Of course I am." I said to the boy. "Can I keep this book, for education purposes?"

"Of course that's why I brought it to you." Ethan said and took a glance at his watch. "Ice cats! I gotta go!" He stands up in a hurry. "Bye Annie."

"Don- nevermind he's already gone." I sighed and stand up with the book under my arm.

I left the library and walked down the empty halls minding my own business that was until I crashed into Carlos. "Ah!"

"What the hell Carlos!" I shouted holding my head.

"Shh." The black and white haired boy tried to shush me.

"What the hell!!" I yelled as Carlos tackled me and tried to close my mouth.

"Anthony?" I heard Ben. I pushed Carlos off me and stood up. "Anthony~" Ben sang my name.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked the blue prince.

"Nothing I just really lov-" Jay came up behind the boy and covered his mouth.

"He loves puppies." Jay lied.

"Sure, but a little heads up Jay." I moved closer to the two boys head of me. "If Ben loves puppies so much, I'd watch out for Carlos."

Jay blushed.

"Anyways gotta go." I turned around and headed to my dorm.

𝗕𝗜𝗚 𝗠𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗞𝗘,  𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now