Chapter eight

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Anthony's coronation outfit

-Anthony's coronation outfit

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"Hey, guys." Ben walked up behind Anthony, who with all the other vk's, and Ethan were sitting at a picnic table with blank faces. "How is everyone?" Ben asked only to be met with silence. "Yeah? Hey, listen. Forget about it. All right? It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go" He patted Anthony shoulders as a sign of comfort. "Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay." No-one said anything making Ben sigh. "I have to go. I'll see you guys later." He kissed Anthony's cheek before parting.

Doug walked up to the table perking Evie's curiosity and getting her attention. "Listen, Evie, I wanna talk about earlier today. I just..." The son of Dopey tried to speak, but Chad wasn't letting him speak.

"Doug!" Chad shouted from the table across from the vk's.

"It's my fault, Doug. I'm sorry." Evie apologized.

'Evie don't apologize. It wasn't out fault.' Evie ignored her brother mental message to focus on Doug.

"No, it's mine." Doug said taking the blame when it wasn't his fault either, he was just a bystander.

"Doug! What?" Chad shouted again getting impatient.

"Shut the hell up!" Anthony shouted standing up from his seat. "Let them talk for gods sake. You don't own the boy!" He turned to Evie and Doug. "Go, talk. We'll be here when you get back or in our room." Evil nodded as she walked away with Doug by her side.

"How long does he think that's gonna last? Anthony is just a criminal with a psycho complex." Audrey taunted the boy from a distance.

"Yeah. I mean, Ben's never gonna make a villain,  much less a boy his king." Jane spoke about Anthony with clear disgust. The girls laughed together like what they said was the funniest thing in the world.

To everyone's surprise Anthony started laughed as well. "What's so funny, villain?" Jane asked trying to be intimidating.

Anthony's laughter died in seconds after the girl asked her question. "I find it funny that you and that wannabe villain are talking about me from a distance instead of taking doing so to my face." He moved around the table to stand out and in the open. "Come in don't be shy."

Neither of the girls took Anthony's offer and stood where they were, far away.

"That's what I thought." He turned around swiftly and sharply resulting in a small force of wind that blew the royals food to the floor. "See'ya at the coronation."

Mal and the others stood up as well. "Oh, before I forget. Beware, forswear, undo Jane's hair." She called of her spell giving Jane back her uneven bobcut.

"Ew!" Chad shouted in disgust.

"Oh, Mal. You may have just made it into my acquaintance list." The son of EQ smirked at the daughter of the evil fairy.

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