Chapter nine

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Anthony stood patiently beside Adam and Belle with fairy godmother standing a head of them. Everyone in the castle stood as the crown prince, Ben walked through the halls in his royal blue and gold suit.

Ugh! Why do I feel so nervous? It's not even my ceremony. Anthony thought to himself, as he wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. The boy took his seat as well as everyone else when Ben kneeled on the podium before FG.

Fairy godmother held onto her famous magic wand and spoke with great authority as she tapped Ben's shoulders. "Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?"

"I do solemnly swear."

"The it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king-" before the fairy could finish her sentence someone ripped her wand out of her hand earning a startling gasp from the crowd. "Child, what are you doing?!" FG shouted in distress.

Ben shot up from his stance and jumped to stand in front of Anthony in order to protect the boy from the reckless magic caster.

"If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!" Jane shouted as she tried to get a hold of the wand. "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" She cast out into the air.

"Take cover!" Adam shouted to the guest as he crocheted down and leaned over to protect Belle.

Anthony was so out of it he didn't even know his body moved on its own towards Jane and snatching from her grasp.

"Careful, Anthony?" Belle shouted, knocking Anthony out of his dazed state. The boy stood on the last stair of the podium with his gaze directed towards his hand that held FG's wand.

"Anthony, give me the wand." Ben slowly walked towards the boy trying to coax the boy into giving him the wand.

"Stand back!" Mal shouted coming up behind Anthony with the other vk's. The girl grabbed the wand from Anthony's loose grip and tightly held it in hers.

"I told you they were evil!" Audrey shouted from her spot, not that far from the podium.

"Let's go!" Carlos said wanting to get out of there as fast a possible.

"Revenge time." Jay smirked at the royals in his field of vision.

"Hold the hell up." Anthony grabbed the wand back from Mal's clammy hands with ease. "You guys are so pathetic." The male rolled his eyes at four.


"That's what I said. You're all pathetic for blindly listen to your parents and being scared to make your own decisions." Anthony said bluntly.

"Anthony's right, although he could have said it better." Ben scolded brunette lightly. "Your parents made their choice a long time ago, don't be like them. This is your life, make your own decisions." Ben spoke trying to calm down the chaotic atmosphere.

"I think... I want to be good." Mal was the first of the vk's to speak up while the other stayed quiet and agreed.

"The prove it." Anthony offered the purple haired girl the wand. "Actions speak louder than words." The Phoenix handed her the wand as a test wanting to see if she'd actually do the right thing and if things go south.... Let's just hope it doesn't.

Mal stared down at the wand in her hands. The girl didn't know what to do, she really wanted to be good, but her mother.... The woman would kill her and her friends if she didn't complete her task.

"Mal...?" Carlos called out to the girl, shaking her out of her thoughts.

"I don't wanna be like my mother." Mal finally spoke. "I don't want the life she had, I wanna make my own, and I know you guys feel the same." She turned to her friends with watery eyes. "I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy." Mal said to Jay making a smile appear on the son of Jafar's face.

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