Chapter four

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"Why am I here?" Anthony asked his sister Evie as to why she brought him to the big game.

"Because you need fresh air." She said lieing to the boy.

"If I wanted fresh air I could have got it by myself with walking all the way over to the field." He whines. "And why is it so bright outside?" He conjured up himself a pair of sunglasses. "Better."

"Why are you so dramatic." Mal grumbled thinking Anthony didn't hear her but he did.

"I don't know Mal. Why is your mom such a bitch?" He looked at the girl and shrugged innocently before focusing back on the game.


"He passes to prince Ben. He scores!" The announcer shouts. "Prince Ben has won it! What an unselfish play by Jay! What a team! Incredible! And it's the new guys, Jay and Carlos, who set up the prince for the win here." The children of Auradon shouted and yelled for their winning team. "What a victory! An absolutely wonderful end to one of the best games ever. Here they come, folks. The winners of the first tourn..."

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have your attention, please? There's something I'd like to say." Ben took the announcers mic and silenced the crowd. "Give me an "A"!"

"A!" The crowd shouted.

"Give me an "n"!"


"Give me an "t"!"


"Give me a "hony"!"


"What does that spell?" Ben asked the crowd.


"Come on, I can't hear you!" Ben shouted into the mic.

"Anthony!!" The crowd of students on the bleachers turned to look at the brunette beauty.

"I love you, Anthony! Did I mention that?" The boy in question looked wide-eyed at the prince then turned to his sister and Mal.

"Give me a beat!" Ben asked the band. "Whoo!"

"Uno, dos, tres, quatro!" Doug counted down.

"Oh, my God! The cookie!" Evie exclaimed.

"What was in that cookie?" Mal asked.

"What cookie?" Anthony asked. "What's going on?" He asked the girls.

"Shh. The music's starting." Evie hushed her brother.

[Verse 1]

Did I mention that I'm in love with you? Did I mention there's nothing I can do and did I happen to say. I dream of you everyday. But let me shout it out loud. If that's okay-ay-ay (Hey!) If that's okay (Hey!)

I met this guy that rocked my world. Like it's never been rocked and now I'm living just for him and I won't ever stop.

I never thought it can happen to a guy like me, but now look at what you've done you got down on my knees.


Because my love for you is ridiculous I never knew (Who knew?) That it can be like this. My love for you is ridiculous. My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!) It's (RIDICULOUS!) Just (RIDICULOUS!) And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss

[Verse 2]

Well, did I mention that I'm in love with you? And did I mention there's nothing I can do and did I happen to say? I dream of you everyday. But let me shout it out. If that's okay-ay-ay (Yeah!) If that's okay.

I gotta know which way to go. C'mon gimme a sign. You gotta show me that. You're only ever gonna be mine. Don't want to go another minute even without you. That's if your heart just isn't in it. I don't know what I'd do.

[Chorus 2]

Because my love for you is ridiculous. I never knew (Who knew?) That it can be like this. My love for you is ridiculous
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!) It's (RIDICULOUS!) Just (RIDICULOUS!) And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss. C'mon now! (Oh yeah!) (Ya-ow!)(Alright!) (Alright!)

Anthony's eyes almost fall out of its sockets along with the other girls as Ben takes off his jersey and throws it at him.


Because my love for you is ridiculous I never knew (Who knew?) That it can be like this. My love for you is ridiculous. My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!) It's (RIDICULOUS!) Just (RIDICULOUS!)

Ben travels through the crowd and make his way to stand in front of Anthony. "And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss, c'mon now!" He moves to kiss Anthony on the lips but the boy turned so that the prince kissed his cheek. "I love you, Anthony! Did I mention that?"

"Chad's my boyfriend now! And I'm going to the coronation with him. So I don't need your pity date." Audrey stated over the silence and kissed Chad before leaving.

"Anthony! Will you go to the coronation with me?" Ben asked Anthony, ignoring Audrey's announcement.

"Yes!" The hybrid answered generally excited.

"He said yes!" Ben shouted to the crowd.

"Let's go, Ben. The whole team's waiting for you." Jay says coming up behind the prince.

"Yeah." Ben sighed but before he let Jay take him away he pecked Anthony on the lips. "Bye."


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