Chapter five

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Anthony knocked on Ethan's door. The hybrid could wait to get the answers he so desired. "Ethan it's me Anthony! Open up!" He knocked again.

"Coming!" Ethan yelled. The blonde stumbled over his clothes that littered the floor. He finally opened the door to greet the hybrid. "Yes?"

"Don't "yes?" me. Get dressed we're going to the museum." He walked into Ethan's room.

"You wanna go today? It's Saturday." The white haired boy said a little disappointed because he usually likes to just stay in bed and read on Saturday's.

"Yes, because I have a date tomorrow and can't do it then." Anthony threw Ethan a pair of clothes. "Now get dressed."


The super powered teens entered the museum with little difficulty than the vk's who broke in a few days prior.

"So where is this thing?" Anthony referred to the Phoenix name list or something?

"It's on the second floor, to the left, then down the hall, then take another left, then go straight down the hall and it should be on the right." Ethan listed a while bunch of directs Anthony didn't even bother to listen to.

"That's unfortunate. Let's go." He shoved Ethan lightly so he'd take the lead.

"I'm going, I'm going. Your so impatient."

"That's the fire in me." Anthony resorts shrugging.

"Well the ice in me is telling you to chill the fuck out." Ethan laughed at his own pun.

"Your fired at being my friend." Anthony made his own pun. He let out a chuckle of amusement.

"Wait we're friends?" Ethan asked his icy blue eyes meeting Anthony's sapphire blue.

"Yeah. How could we not be?" He shrugged. "We're the perfect balance. Your ice and I'm fire together we balance each other out incase one of us goes crazy."

"Kind like Yin and Yang." Ethan says leading Anthony.

"Yeah like that, I call being Yin."

"Understandable." Ethan shrugged taking a second left getting closer towards their destination. They continue straight down the hallway the take their final turn. "We're here!" Elsa's son announced.

"Wow." Anthony marveled at the white and gold room with Phoenix images on the wall. The two walked towards the brown podium holding a big brown book.

"Let's see. ." Ethan opened the book. "Wow, there's been a lot of holders of the Phoenix." He whistled as he flipped through the pages.

"Move." Anthony pushed Ethan back. "Turn this book to the page we need and do it with some cheeta speed." He spelled the book.

Ethan chuckled in the background.

"Hey don't laugh." Anthony slapped the boys shoulder. "I'm learning new spells and I just so happen haven't perfected this one non-verbally."

"Okay." Earth held his hands up in defense. "Let's look at the book." He turned back to the book that was flipped to the page that they needed.

Laura Summers

The boys read the name that was the recent holder of the Phoenix. "So this Laura person was my mother. Then who's my father?"

"That. . . Is a mystery." Ethan answered. "Maybe there's something in the book." He shrugged.

"Well that was helpful." Anthony rolled his eyes. "But thank you for coming with me and helping me."

"It fine." The two leave and head back to the main door. "Hey, I was wondering if you'd like to come to Arendelle with me in a week? You can invite Ben if you want."

"Sure." Anthony shrugged. "What's happening in Arendelle anyway?" He asked.

"It's my aunt, Anna's birthday and mom wants to throw her a party and I asked if I could bring a friend, she said yes." Ethan told the boy.

"That's nice of here." Anthony smiled to himself. "What do you think my mother would have been like, you know if she was around?"

Ethan took some time to answer the boys question. "I'm sure, she would have been a great mother and would have loved you unconditionally. I mean how could she not." He blushed a little complementing Anthony.

"She would wouldn't she?" Anthony said being vain and flipped his imaginary long hair.

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