Chapter 1

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Chaeyoung's POV

I was walking for some exercise when I saw a girl lying on the road.I quickly run to her,she's wearing a business outfit.She looks rich and from the city,why did she get here? I looked for her things but there's nothing,not even money and a phone.I don't have a choice but to let her stay home,I can't leave someone here.

I lift her up,she isn't heavy but her height is making it hard for me but I can manage.After a long walk,I finally arrived.I opened the door and carefully lay her down the bed.I changed her clothes cause she doesn't look comfortable,thankfully I have some oversized clothes that would probably fit her.

I finally had the chance to look at her face,she looks beautiful.She looks like a real life princess,my heart is beating so fast.I noticed some bruises,don't tell me someone just left her here?Should I treat her bruises first?I think I should cook first.

Mina's POV

I woke up and saw a different ceiling,I just noticed that I'm lying on a different bed,its nothing compared to mine but its comfortable,I'm not home. "Ahh!!" I screamed,I'm not wearing my clothes!

I saw someone entering,its a girl with long black hair. "Why are you shouting?Is anything wrong?" She panicked. "Who are you?!Why am I here?!What did you do to me?!" I shouted. "Hey hey,calm d--" I cut her off. "Just answer my question!" She giggled.Thats cute--its not the time for this,maybe she did something to me. "Okay but calm down first." I did as she told. "My name is Son Chaeyoung,you can call me whatever you want.You're here cause I saw you lying in the road so I brought you here.And I changed your clothes cause you don't look comfortable."

I sigh in relief. "Now stop the talking,I'll just get the first aid kit and treat your bruises first." Damn,I really have a lot.Why did I get here? She came back with the kit.She started treating it. "Do you have any idea on how you got here?" She asked.I just realized that I haven't introduced myself yet. "I'm Mina and no,I dont remember anything."

"How will you get home then?" She asked without looking at me. "My phone." She stopped and looked at me. "You dont have one,I searched for it earlier,I saw none." She said while looking straight into my eyes letting me know that she's saying the truth. "How about my money?" I asked.She shook her head. "Are you sure you didn't rob me?" I asked and shook her head again in disagreement.

"I didn't but the one who left you here did." I believed her,she doesn't look like a robber after all. "How can I go home now?" I said sadly. "You can stay here whenever you want." She said. "But I have a job on the city."

"You probably have friends and family,they'll find you soon." I just nodded.She suddenly went closer to me,I thought she's gonna do something but all I receive was pain. "It hurts!" I pouted.Turns out I have a bruise on my left cheek. "Hold on,this won't take long." She said

I took this time to study her face.She's beautiful,her mole under her lips is attractive.Her beautiful eyes,her crooked tooth and finally her lips. "Done!" I went back to reality when she shouted and smiled,revealing her dimple.This girl is so cute in many ways.

"Mina!" I didn't notice I was daydreaming again. "What?"
She giggled. "I said,would you like to eat?" I just nodded.We went to the kitchen.I roam my eyes on the house.Its not small and not big either but it looks clean.I also saw some paintings and books.

"Sorry for this,you're probably not used to small house." She said while putting the dish on the table. "No its okay but I'm not used to small people." I decided to tease her. "Yah!" She pouted. "Stop cause you're cute.We should eat now,I'm hungry."

We talked endlessly,I finally gained another myself! I don't like talking to people,I don't know but I feel comfortable around her.I learned many things about her.

Its already midnight so we're here lying on the bed.I insisted to sleep on the floor but she pulled me here and I gave up.I'm lying with my back while using my arms as a pillow and she rested her head on my stomach,I don't mind.

"Where is the town here?" I asked. "Its 6 miles away from here,2 hours of travelling." Wow,its so far. "What vehicle do you use to go there?" I was just curious cause I can't hear any cars right now. "Bicycle or sometimes walk.No cars means no pollution.Plus,cycling can be an exercise and walking with someone can be a bonding too.There's also 5 sheds incase we're tired and needs to rest." I just hummed. "You're cool." Her mindset is cool.

"Thank you.Why'd you ask?" I know this is weird but I can feel she's smiling right now. "Just want to know.How many times do you go there?" I asked and she became silent for a minute. "3 times in a year." I was shocked by the information. "Really?How?" "I just go there to buy some seeds,fruits and some vegetables.I also have a backyard,you can see it tomorrow if you want."

"Healthy kid." I said and laughed. "I'm not a kid!" She whined. "Yes you are." I said and she faced me while pouting. "Aww,look at this cute baby~" I can't take it anymore and pinched her cheeks,she's so adorable!

"It hurts!" I let her go and saw that its red. "Did I pinch it to hard or are you just blushing?" I said while wiggling my eyebrows.She looked away that made me smirk. "Stop teasing me or I'll not let you stay in this house anymore." She said. "I bet you can't even do that."

"Stop it Myoui!" She said so I stopped.Gosh,she looks scary.I gulped. "Don't talk to me." She said and got off my stomach and lay beside me with me facing her back. "I'm sorry,I was just teasing." I received nothing so I assume that she slept.I just hugged her from the back and fell asleep.

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