Chapter 12

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Mina woke up near the edge of the bed she turn around to see Chaeyoung hugging a pillow.It was a cute sight to see,Chaeyoung must've thought the pillow was Mina and vice versa.

Mina got up and kissed Chaeyoung's forehead.She was about to pull away but she felt a hand gripping her wrist,she felt herself getting pulled back to the bed.Yhe next thing she knew is Chaeyoung is hugging her, Chaeyoung's head on her chest.

"You're awake?"She felt Chaeyoung nodded."I need to go to work."Mina needs to do something,its a secret."You can go later."Mina was about to protest but Chaeyoung gave her the puppy eyes.How can I win to that? she thought."Don't you want to cuddle your cub?"Mina of course gave in.

Minutes later,Chaeyoung finally decided to get up.Mina did too but before she could even stood up,Chaeyoung kissed her for a good five seconds.Mina's system malfunctioned when she saw Chaeyoung's eyes,it became dark, Chaeyoung's gaze was to powerful for her to handle.When Chaeyoung smirked,she knew she could faint any moment.

Meanwhile Chaeyoung, she's loving what Mina's reaction. She just went to the bathroom after smirking like nothing happened.Mina was left dumbfounded.

Mina was still not moving not until Chaeyoung shouted."Minari!I thought you meed to go to work?"The younger asked who was smiling brightly.She just went from being a beast to a cute cub and Mina couldn't believe it,she have never saw that side of Chaeyoung before.

"I--Y-yeah,I'll change."Mina immediately ran to the bathroom.Chaeyoung just find it weird,not knowing the crime that she made.


Chaeyoung's POV

Mina already left with our friends.Now,I'm alone here. What should I do?Its getting boring here.Books!Ah right,its on my house. I slumped down the couch not knowing what to do.

My things are just getting transfered here,Mina ordered some men to get it.I actually want to get it myself but she insisted.

I really have nothing to do.Should I bother Mina?

Mina's POV

I'm really stressed right now.There are newly recrutes that isn't doing to good."Don't worry about it,Mina."Jihyo said, she's here at my office.How can I not worry?!They---

Buzz Buzz

I was scolding then in my mind when my phone vibrated, its a text from Chaeyoung saying she misses me."You're smiling like an idiot so I guess its Chaeng."She said,I just nodded.I felt like the stress faded."You can go now,I'll just worry about it later."She showed her gummy smile and went out.

I immediately called Chaeyoung and she answered right away."Cub!"I said cheerfully."Minari~Its really boring here."She whined cutely."Wanna go here?" "Yes!And also,you seem stressed.Don't stress yourself to much,okay?"She know me really well."Okay,I'm gonna wait for you here." "You haven't eat yet,I'll cook your favourite."My face brightened when she said that.I need to go now,love you!"She said and ended the call."I love you too."I replied like a whisper even tho I know she can't hear me.My mind drifted away thinking what have I done to deserve her.

An hour later

"Ms.Myoui,please come down."My assistant said in a hurry,I got confused."Why?"She seemed hesitant so I think something bad happened.I immediately came down and I got angry from what I witnessed.

Chaeyoung's POV

I went to Mina's company.I just wore comfy clothes.When I found it,my jaw dropped.This place is big!I think I might get lost any second.

I entered the building I was just walking peacefully when two guys went on the way."Uh, excuse me?"These dudes look creepy."Wanna have fun,miss?"I nearly puked.Have what?Fun?

"Why?Are you guys clowns?"I smirked inside seeing their annoyed face.

"Oh,c'mon miss,we know you want it."He grabbed my wrist,I'm trying to control my temper right now,I don't want to punch this punk here.I'm trying to break free and I succeeded.He was about to do it again but we heard a voice.


It was Mina,her voice is so cold that it made me shiver. She walked slowly Damn,she looks hot--Son Chaeyoung!its not the time to think of these things.But she really looks hot--Aish! I scolded myself.

"We're just trying to have fun here,wanna join?"Did this jerk just said that?To my Mina?Now this is the real fun.

"Did he just?"

"He's just new,poor him."

"I wish Ms. would fire him."

"Probably will."

"He could've kept his job."

"Well,I guess his job ends here."

Those are some gossips that I heard.

"Get out of here before I call the guards."Mina said and stood beside me."And why is that?"The other guy said."You leave me no choice."She snapped her fingers and five guards came and grabbed them."What?!What did we do?!"Is he really that dumb?

"No one dares to disrespect our CEO,kid."The one guard said and I swear I'm holding my laugh when I saw their faces.They look terrified.The guards dragged them away."You're fire,jerk!"Mina shouted that made me pinch her side,she flinched.

She suddenly grabbed my waist firmly."Everyone,this is Son Chaeyoung.Remember her face cause if I saw some of you guys doing some shit to her or talking shit about her,that jerk is an example of what will happen to you."She said and all of the employees nodded.

She held my right hand and intertwined our fingers and led me to her office,I'm still holding her lunch on my other hand.

"I'm sorry for the trouble."I said and gave her her lunch."It's not your fault.Have you eaten yet?"I nodded."So you said you're bored there, what are you suppose to do here?"She said while eating cutely.

"I can stare at you all day and not be bored."I winked,she choked that made me laugh."Stop laughing at me,cub.Be thankful you're cute."I didn't hear the last part cause she whispered it. "What did you say?"

"I said I love you.You can stay here and stare at me."

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