Chapter 10

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Nayeon's POV

I kind of heard Mina and Chaeng's conversation..hehe.

I'm not used to it, I'm not used to the new Mina but I love it.This side of her are all new to us,we've never saw her tease someone,we've never saw her soft side before.Back then..she's always busy for work.She doesn't have time gor herself,no time to be happy.

I'm somewhat thankful to those guys who left her here.Thankful that Chaeng was the one who saw her..I guess its destiny.

"Ow!"What's wrong with these ostrich,flickering my forehead for nothing."What?"She just stick her tongue out.This girl is so annoying,why do I even love her?Right, she's cool and handsome but annoying.

"You know its bad to listen to others conversation,right." She said and dragged me outside."Where are you taking me?" "You'll see."

Mina's POV

I went outside if the room and saw no one.Eh? I guess they're moving already but where is Jihyo?Just then I saw her walking with a girl not so far away from here,I hope they enjoy.

Finally!Just the two of us here."Where are they?"She asked while exiting the room and sat on the chair and started eating."On a date."I said and ate too.

We ate silently and just devour the food."We will leave later."I said and put the dishes on the sink.I turned around and saw her pouting."Why?"She whined.I pecked her pouting lips.She quickly covered her lips and I think she malfunctioned for a second.

"You will go with us."I said and she came back. "Huh?"I chuckled cause she looks so confused."I will leave this house?How about my things?" "We'll go without it cause we don't have any space for your stuffs anymore but we will go back here and take your stuffs."I explained,she nodded.


They all came back, holding hands..except for Jihyo who's now alone.

"Are you all a couple now?"And the teasing started there.We packed everything and made sure that we didn't forget anything and we're still teasing each other.

"I'm gonna miss this house."Chaeyoung said."Don't worry,you can go here whenever you want and maybe you can go with Jihyo."I got their attention when I said that."Eh?What do you mean?"Is she really clueless or just pretending to be.

"I saw you with a girl when they're on a date so you'll probably come here from time to time.And also..introduce the girl to us."And that's the start of the 'teasing Jihyo' session.


We arrived and they went to their respective rooms.I toured Chaeyoung to the house,she said she likes it."Do you want a backyard?"I said and her face lightened."Can we?"She asked like a kid."Yes."She squealed and happily hugged me.I'm happy if she's happy.

"I'm sorry to ruin your moment,Ms. but your dad want to se her."Someone said,I looked up to see dad's bodyguard."Where is he?" He said dad's in his office and left.We're getting near the office when I noticed that she's holding my hand to tight.

"Are you scared?A cub is scared?"I teased her."Don't say that,you're scaring me more."She said."He doesn't bite?"We arrived and I opened the door for her and she entered,I heard some screaming.

"My princess!"

W-what?I'm so confused.What's happening?I just went to the living room and drank water.

Chaeyoung's POV

I'm nervous for some reason but all got washed away when I entered."Dad!"I shouted happily."My princess!"I ran and hugged him.And no,I'm not in heaven.

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