Chapter 8

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Chaeyoung's POV

She's gone.The thing that I'm most afraid of happened.I regretted not saying I live her earlier,I miss her so much,its just days but still.How will I live now?No more teasing,no more Mina,a tear left my eye.

Mina's POV

I went downstairs to eat and not to attend an interrogation session.They asked why I cried,why ky heart hurts and all.I answered all of it,I also told them how I met Chaeyoung,I told them everything,from A to Z.

"My daughter is a grown woman now."Nayeon unnie said while wiping her fake tears.It finally ended,I went to work.


Its been a week since I last saw her,I'm now working when someone entered my office.

"My daughter!"Its dad,I ignored him and continued working."Why are you ignoring me?What's the problem?"He said."I don't like your dogs."I'm talking about the five mens."Why?"He said and sat beside me.

"They hurt my girl."I coldly said."My daughter,don't give me an early winter.Wait here,I'll fire them."He said and called somebody."I fired them already,don't ignore me now."He said.I stopped working on the papers and hugged him,he's the best dad ever."Thanks dad."

"What are you waiting for?"I got confused when he said that."I don't get it."He chuckled."Go get your girl."He said that made me smile,he's always supportive."What about work?"I asked."I'll take care of it,just make sure you'll come back with a girlfriend."He said and winked.I hugged him one more time and gave him an okay sign.

I texted them(friends) to get back to my house.I arrived and they're already on the living room."I'm going somewhere,wanna come?"I said."Where?" "I'm going to get my girl back."They shared a look."We're in."They all agreed."Okay,pack some clothes and some snacks."

I packed my stuffs.Wait for me,Chaeyoung.


We're now at the van,only waiting for Sana and Tzuyu. They exited the house while holding a big bag. "Damn,Chou.Is that yours?"Jeongyeon unnie said. "Sana's."She answered shortly."Why is tht bah so big?"Momo said."Shut up,Momo and just eat."Sana said.

We're finally going."You can sleep if you want."I said,its just 8 in the morning so we'll probably arrive there at lunch."How long will it take to go there,unnie?"Dahyun asked while eating the food with Momo already.

"2 hours."I said that made them all shocked."What?That far?How in the world did you get there,Mina?"Sana said.I just shrugged my shoulders and started driving.I don't remember the actual way but I remember some,I'm positive that we won't get lost.

"Mina unnie,what does she looks like?"Tzuyu asked."Cub."I answered."What does her house look like?"Jeongyeon unnie asked."Simple.I want you guys to turn your phone off when we get there."They all nodded.

"I can't wait to see her."They said.


We have arrived!Finally..I parked the car not so far from her house.I opened the door,I saw no ine on the living room,I miss this house. I saw the rooms door is opened so I assumed she's there.I saw her just looking outside.I approached her carefully so she won't hear me.

I snaked my arms to her waist and back hugged her.She got startled."Cub.."I whispered to her ear.She got comfortable knowing it was me."Minari?I'm not dreaming,right?" She said,I giggled and pinched her cheeks.

"You're not dreaming."I said and she turn around and hug ne tightly.I hugged her too."Minari,don't leave me again."She said while sobbing.Did I made her cry?

"I won't leave you,Cub."I said and kissed her crown."Mina,I-I.."She stuttered."I love you."I finally heard it from her.I'm so happy right now."I love you too,will you be my girlfriend?"I asked.She nodded so I hugged her,tight.I can't believe this,shes now my girlfriend!

Just as I was about to kiss her someone knocked the door so I just kissed her nose instead.I intertwined our fingers and went to open the door. "Hey guys!" I said and smiled widely."Don't smile like that,unnie cause you look like a creep."Tzuyu said,I don't mind.Insult me whatever they want,I'm happy.

"Hi?"Chaeyoung said and alk their attention is on her now."You're smaller than I thought."Chaeyoung pouted when Tzuyu said that,this maknae is really--"And cuter."Nayeon unnie said and hugged--more like squished Chaeyoung for life.Nayeon unnie, Momo, Sana, and Jihyo talked to Chaeyoung,they said they found her adorable which is true.

I'm now left with these three cowards."You finally got yourself a girlfriend,Mina."Jeongyeon unnie said."Yeah,unlike you three."I said,they pretended to be clueless."If you don't confess earlier,someone might get them from you guys so just confess already."I said,but they're really cowards."What if don't like us back?"They're talking about those three girls (with Chaeyoung)"Its okay,at least you expressed your feelings and make her yours but in the right way,by courting her.And if they reject you guys,its their lost."

"If our friendship got broken because of this confession,who would you go to?"They asked curiously."No one,cause this friendship wont be ruined."I said,they looked confused.Slow cowards. 

"Mina unnie,how did you confess to her?"Tzuyu asked."I just accidentally spilled what I'm thinking."I said and they laughed."Why are you guys laughing?"They asked and looked at us."Oh, we're just talking about yiu--"I couldn't say the ithers cause Jeongyeon unnie covered my mouth with her palm."I'm hungry."Dahyub said.

"Oh,let me cook for you guys."Chaeyoung said."Me too."I said,the others are giving me confused stares but I just shrugged it off and helped Chaeyoung.

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