Chapter 9

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Mina's POV

I didn't let Chaeyoung cook but she was stubborn so I let her cook one dish and I cooked the remaining.We cooked many foods and served it on the table.l

"Woah,many foods." Momo said.We sat in the chairs.

[Sitting Arrangements]
(The table is a circle)

         Mina      Jeongyeon
Chaeyoung                  Nayeon
     Tzuyu                      Dahyun
          Sana              Momo

They started tasting the food."This is so tasty!"Momo said while munching her food."Thanks,Chaeng!"They said that made me frown."Mina cooked all of that."Chaeyoung said that made them choke,I just laughed.

"So you're keeping this skill you have for how long?"Nayeon unnie asked."Just days,I didn't knew either."I said and we continue eating


Its jow joon, theh have nothing to fo cquse theu turned their phone off so I thoyght of a an idea."Lets play!"I said and we went to the open field again."Wh--"Nayeon unnie was abouy yo object but Jeongyeon unnie tap her shoulder and shouted yag.Sneaky ostrich.

We all ran,Nayeon unnie caught jihyo and shes now targetting me.

Chaeyoung's POV

Ibcant believe shes gere niw.Incant velieve shes mine biw.Everythung feels like a dream.She's gere with ne and she even biughy her friends.Im beey haooy,i dont feelnlobelg arojnd hem.

Were still playingnda theur noy chasing me si U sat on the wooden benchfirst and watch a prativukar penguin play tag  wuth her friends.I was startled when someone sat,its Tzuyu.

"Hey.."She said ans rest her back."Thanks."She said,I git cinfused."for what?" "For changing mina."Why are they aleays sayingbthat?Did I really change her?"How can you say that?"

"Before she came here,she was arrogant,stubbirn,cold and imoatient,they say.But when she came bavk shes not really shouting at yhe implouees anymire,she bows back,she became more patient."She also changed ky life.

"Why are your saying this to me?"I'm not complaining but why is she saying this to me?I feel like i look like a tomato right now.

"She really live you so please dont hurt her."She said."Hurting or leaving her never came on mh mind."I said and she ruffled my hait.were clise cause we have the same age,i mean I'm clise with eberuone already.

Mina's POV

We need to go back alrrady but i yhink tHeyr I texted dad that wel be away for some time.We'll just sleep here,they have clothes but I don't think we all can fitonone bed so I thought of me and Chaeyoung sleeping on the bed just like hiw we used to be and the other 7 outside.

"We'll stay here."I announced."Where are we gonna sleep,unnie?"Dahyun asked."You guys sleep there."I said and pointed at the open field,they all followed my gaze and they all glared at me after seeing it.

"Don't be like that."Chaeyoung scolded me and pinch my side.She always does this when she don't like my behavior.So behave,Mina. I quickly retrieved my hand and lightly pouted.They'll tease me later if I pouted so this will do.. 

"Ow!Sorry..then where?"I said,I saw all of them smirked,I just rolled my eyes."Let's all sleep here."She's pertaining to the living room."But I want to sleep with you."I said and she glared at me."Shut up,Myoui."I saw her blush and it made smirk internally,I still want to tease her but she gave me the 'shut-up-or-I'll-kick-you-out' look and its actually scary so I decided to shut up.

"I'll just go get some blankets and pillows." She said and went to the room."That's new.."Jihyo said while wiggling her eyebrows."The new side of the Myoui Mina,a whipped Mina."They continued teasing me,my ears felt hot.

"The great Myoui Mina is blushing."Jeongyeon unnie said.Someone please save me. Chaeyoung came with so much stuffs.Thank you for answering my prayers."Lets help this small kid"Tzuyu teased and we did help her and created a circle.Me and Chaeyoung sharing one blanket,Jeongyeon unnie and Nayeon unnie,Momo and Dahyun,Sana and Tzuyu..and Jihyo by herself.

"Am I the only single here?" She asked and we laughed at her."We have many neighbors here,if you want,unnie." Chaeyoung said that made us laugh more,I slipped my hand on hers and she gladly accepted it.We spent time together,telling some stories,sometimes funny abd sometimes scary.I'm holding Chaeyoung the whole time. I'm finally back to my safe place,to my home..


I woke up with Chaeyoung hugging me tightly,I smiled.I love to see this view everytime I woke up.

"Morning."I saw Jeongyeon unnie entering the house."Good Morning."I said and carried Chaeyoung to her bed and carefully laid her there.I tried escaping Chaeyoung's hug,it was hard but I did it and put a pillow for replacement and she immediately hugged it.Cute.

I decided to cook breakfast for us."You look so in love,Mina."Jeongyeon unnie stood beside me."I am."I said and smiled widely."I didn't know being in love can made you look creepy."She said."As if you're not."I said that made her shut up.

"Help me out,Mina."She said and glanced around to see if someone is awake already.I nodded and finished cooking first and we went outside."Us too."We we're startled when someone said that and we saw DaTzu closing the door,guess they want to move already..Finally!

"You can go wherever you want here,this place is a great place for dates and the view is great too,you'll probably enjoy it."I said and they all nodded."Any tips for a date?"I pretended to think."Just be yourself."

They thanked me and was about to go back when I said something."And one more thing,remember the way back.I got lost before,you wouldn't want to ruin your precious date because of that."I said my last remark and they laughed.

I went inside again and the thought of  checking Chaeyoung came on my head so I did.I was welcomed by a crying Chaeyoung.Oh my gosh,why is she crying?I'm worried. I immediately engulfed her with a hug.

"Why are you crying,cub?"I asked softly,she's hugging me..tightly,as if she doesn't want to let go."Don't leave me,Mina.""Of course I won't.What makes you think of that?"I asked."I thought it was a dream."She said that made me laugh.

"Don't laugh at me!"She said punch my chest area lightly."I-I--"I burst out laughing.She pinched my side again."Ow!I'm sorry!"She didn't."Stop or I'll kiss you?"She still didn't."So you want me to kiss you?Okay then."She pushed me out of the bed and ran fast on the bathroom after I said that.I just laughed.

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