Chapter 7

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Chaeyoung's POV

Its already one month since Mina went here,time flies so fast.And that means its almost a month since she started courting me.I want to do something today,I plan to give her the thing that I'm working for a month and I'm planning to confess my feelings for her today.

I've been in love since I saw her,I just didn't realize earlier.She made me fall for her more this past few days.I don't want to make this longer.

Mina's POV

I'm nervous for no reason.I don't know,I just feel nervous the moment I opened my eyes.

Its currently 11 in the morning and Chaeyoung said she wants to talk about something so I'm here waiting for her.She went out of the Art Room with something she handed it to me."Are you proposing to me?"I teased her.

"Its just a gift,don't open it yet.Open it when I'm somewhere else."She said."Why" "I'm just embarrassed."I hummed and put it on my pocket.

We got startled when someone knocked the door."I'll get it."She said and opened the door."Wha--"She got pushed on the floor before she can even say something.I was startled,she stood up again and block the way but five mens push her hard.I ran to her,I saw blood on her knees,I was about to help her when I felt a strong grip on my wrist.

"Yah!What are you doing?!"I shouted to the five mens.They dragged me out of the house."Chaeyoung!"I tried scaping but they're more stronger than me.Chaeyoung.. That's the last thing I said before everything went black.

I woke up on a van with the five mens.How I wish this was just a nightmare.I sigh,I didn't notice but its already noon.The van stopped."Ms..were here."They said and let me out of the van.Before I even react,many pairs of arms got wrapped around me.

"Mina!"I heard them friends.I don't know what to feel.Should I be happy cause I'm back?Or should I be sad cause I'm away from my'home' ?

"How are you?"
"Are you okay?"
"Are you hurt?"

Questions questions questions,they asked so many questions."Stop,let her rest first."Jihyo said,I'm thankful of that.I went to my room,they just let me be.The moment I lay on my bed,my heart hurt,my head hurt.I feel like I have some kind of illness right now,I just slept.


I woke up,I'm on my bed,my house.I just sigh and wore simple clothes and went down.I felt pair of eyes looking at me.They're already eating,I just smiled."How's your sleep?"Jeongyeon unnie asked.

Bad."Great."I don't want them to worry,I'll handle this by myself."Eat with us."Nayeon unnie said,I just nodded.I looked at the dishes,meat.No vegetables,fruits and strawberries.I miss her.

I ate with them.We had an interrogating session.I shared some information about Chaeyoung but not all.I also gave the maids a vacation,my friends are confused but didn't asked about it.I mean,we--I can cook,we can order amd clean the house by ourselves and besides the maids probably missed their families already.

"Where are you going?"Momo said while raising her eyebrows. She looks like a mom scolding her child."Work."I simply answered."We'll go with you."Of course they will,we work at the same company.

We arrived and many staffs bowed at me.I just bowed back.I saw them having confused eyes,whatever.I went to my office,I'm the manager here so I have many work.

"Ms.Hwang,please bring my schedule and papers."I said and she immediately complied."Here Ms.Myoui,I-I forgot the schedule Ms."She hurriedly entered and said those."Its okay,go get it and don't run cause I'm not in a hurry."I said,she looks shocked but still proceeded.

I have many works so I got home in midnight.I went to the refrigerator,grabbed wine and went to the balcony if my room.I drank some while looking at the moon,I suddenly remembered something.The box!Where did I put it? I remembered putting it on my pocket so I searched there.

I found it,I opened the box and saw a wooden necklace.I almost cried when I saw the pendant,her favorite painting.

"Beautiful right?That's my favorite.Two inseparable  birds who will still find each other no matter how many bullets tried to shoot them."

I flipped the pendant and saw the letter M at the back of the one bird and C on the other one.I also saw a letter so I read it.


I don't have the courage to say this infront of you so I wrote it instead.The necklace is a gift,so if I'm away, you'll always remember me when you see that necklace.

I also wanted to say thank you for coming here,even if its unexpected.You brought colors to my lonely world.And I'm afraid if someday,you'll not be here beside me anymore.I'm afraid.

Mina,I want you.I can't imagine my life without you.I can't imagine myself being happy without you.All I need is you.

If anything happens in the futere,always remember that I love you.I love you,Mina.

-Your Cub

She said she loves me..


The door opened but I just looked at the moon."Mina.."It was Jihyo,she stood beside me and looked at the moon too."You changed a lot,you became more kind and more patient.You look okay,you smile but..eyes don't lie,Mina. You can tell me anything."

"I'm clearly not okay.This.."I pointed at my heart."It hurts."She immediately hugged me when I said that.I can't do this anymore.I let the tears fall,she lent her shoulder for me.I cried and cried until I was exhausted and slept.

Jihyo's POV

I lay her on her bed.Aish,'re still the same,keeping your problems for yourself.I'm worried,I don't know what she meant,I did have a clue but I still want to hear her explanation.It hurts seeing her cry, she's not the type if person who will cry easily.

I exited her room and went to the living to get some water but I saw all of them on the couch,looking at me."Why are you all still up?"I said and grabbed a bottle of water and drank it."We heard some sobbing."Tzuyu said."She's not okay,she said her heart hurts."I said and they all shared looks.

"Does she have some heart illness?"Jeongyeon said.Nayeon unnie and I made an eye contact,she knows what to do.She smacked Jeongyeon's head."Ouch,what was that for?"She pouted,we all looked at her disgustingly."She meant it by emotionally,you idiot."

"What else did she said?"Sana asked"She just cried and cried until she fell asleep."i said,we all agreed to sleep for now.

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