Chapter 3

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Chaeyoung's POV

I woke up with someone hugging me from behind.I turn around to see Mina sleeping peacefully.She has a mole like me.I'm still a bit sleepy so I decided to hug her back and slept with a smile.

I woke up again but this time,no one is beside me.I wash myself and went to the living room,I heard something..Is Mina cooking? I saw her on the kitchen.

"Good Morning Minari!" I said unconsciously.Before I can say something she already turn around with a smirk.Her smirk is so annoying!

"I'm sorry I--" She cut me off by saying "Don't.I-I like it." She said and look away.I can feel my face heating up. Aish,why am I like this?

"Let's eat." She put the dish ont the table,smells good. "You cooked this?I thought you don't know how to cook."
"I thought so too.How does it taste?" I ate some. "It taste good!Taste like my mom's cooking." I said and devour the food. "Its my first time cooking."

"You should do it more often." I said and she looked at me. "Is it really good or you just don't want to cook?" She's teasing me again."Both.You know the first time I saw you,I thought you were quiet but you proved me wrong." She just laughed. "Well,I'm really quiet but I like teasing you."


We're now picking strawberries when I decided to ask about her friends. "M-minari,Can you describe your friends?" I'm not used to calling her that. "Nayeon unnie, she's the oldest but doesn't act like one,she also has bunny teeth.Jeongyeon, she has short hair and she's a no jam.Momo,she loves food but have a great body figure.Sana,she's clumsy and looks like a shiba inu..and gay."

"Jihyo,she acts like the leader,she has big eyes. Dahyun,she's bubbly and has pale skin.Tzuyu,she looks like a yoda,the youngest and same age as you but the tallest,not like you." I frowned when I heard the last sentence. "They always bicker and yeah,flirt." I stayed silent cause I was memorizing the names.

"Are you disgusted?" I got out of trance and quickly shook my head. "People can love who they want to love.I was just memorizing the names,its to many." She laughed. "Are you like them too?" Curiosity took over me. "Well,you can say that." I felt a bit of joy in me but I didn't pay attention to it.

"Now,its your turn.Tell me about your friend." I think for a second. "Its been a long time but I remember she's older than me.She also resembles a penguin." I giggled remembering. "Speaking of penguin,you look like one!"

"Eh?" She looks cute when she's confused. "When you're walking,it reminds me of a penguin." Come to think of it,she reminds me of my friend,they have moles on the same place.

"Hmm.Tell me more." She seems interested so I continued. "We met when they moved as our new neighbor.We always play and hang out under that oak tree.We became bestfriends for a year,our families are close too.But one day I received a letter that she's leaving,I want to see her but its too late.Since then I haven't seen her,no updates,I still hope one day we'll meet again." I said and smiled.

"Don't cry.You guys will probably meet again." I didn't really I was crying.I miss her. She didn't even said a proper goodbye to me.

Mina's POV

She looks so fragile.I don't want to see her cry.I..don't know why I didn't knew right away but when I first saw her I felt something..


I want to protect her.I want to protect her at all cost.

I love her. 


We're now her at the house,I helped her with the baskets. "Why don't we eat strawberries? That's your favorite right?" I asked and prepared it. "Yeah,my parents used to call me strawberry princess." I've learned so much stuff about her already but I can't say any interesting thing about myself.I don't remember.

"Here eat." I grab one strawberry and put it near her mouth. "What are you doing?" She looks confused. "Feeding you,idiot.Open up." She did what I told so I let her eat it.

"What are your interest?Talents?" I'm just curious about her. "I like books.I can rap and a bit singing,I can draw and paint too.How about you?" What are my interest? "I like ballet and I play video games."

"I want to see you dance someday." "I-Its been long since I danced but I'll make sure you see me dance someday." I said that made her smile.I love that smile.

"I'll wash the dishes." I said but she didn't let me. "No,let me do it."I was about to protest when she pouted. "Fine." I can't win with that pout if hers.I'm bored so I decided to roam around.I saw something that caught my eye.I ran to the direction of it.I didn't knew it would be that far.

When I arrived I was about to take it but I suddenly felt raindrops.I'll just get the flower tomorrow,I need to go back now.And just when I was about to go back I suddenly can't remember the way.Aish,now I'm lost. The rain is getting heavy so I decided to just run wherever my feet will take me.

And yeah I ran for how long god knows.I'm now soaked but then I found the way and I ran quickly.I stopped my tracks when I saw Chaeyoung laughing with a guy on the entrance of the house.I suddenly felt like I'm not in the mood for anything.I quickly went there,pushed the guy and went inside directly at the bathroom to take a quick bath.After that I change my clothes and went straight to bed.I'm exhausted so I fell asleep.


I woke up when I felt someone staring at me.Her cheerful eyes welcomed me but I gave her a cold one. "Minari, you're finally awake." She said. "Stop staring at me." I said and grab the blanket and put it above my shoulder and closed my eyes,my head hurts.

I heard footsteps getting further so I assumed that she's already gone but then I heard footsteps getting closer. "Minari,I know you're not asleep yet so make sure to eat this and drink medicine." She said and left it on the night stand,I heard the door closing so I opened my eyes.

Soup,she probably cooked this.I ate it all and got back to closing my eyes again.I heard the door open. "Minari,we have new neighbors,the guy gave us food but I think you won't eat it so I ate it by myself.Why are you ignoring me?I'm sorry if I did something wrong.Goodnight." After that I heard the door closing.

Aish!Why does she have to say that? Now I can't sleep.I feel guilty,I was just..jealous. I'm thinking to much that I didn't notice I slept.

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