Chapter 5

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Chaeyoung's POV

I woke up earlier than Minari.I'm planning to do something for Mina as a gift for coming here,for bringing light to my life.This will take long to make so I'll start making it today.

I will work hard on this and put my heart into it.

Mina's POV

I woke up without Chaeyoung by my side so I checked on her,she's not in the living room and not in the kitchen either.I figured that she's on the art room,I don't want to bother her so I decided to cook breakfast.

"Cub,breakfast is ready!" I said but she didn't came out so I went there and knock. "Cub!" "Wait a minute!" What is she doing? Minutes past and she's not coming out yet.

"Yah,if you're not gonna come out right now I'm gonna barge in." She came out quick and quickly close the door. "What are you hiding?" I was about to open the door but she suddenly hugged me,I was surprised but got more surprised when I felt myself getting lifted.Gosh,this girl is strong,like literally strong. 

She carried me to the kitchen! 'How's your heart?' I heard a voice in my head. Shut up brain.

"Minari?Mina!" I heard Chaeyoung shout. "W-what?" I haven't stutter in my life! "I said let's eat." I just nodded. "Chaeyoung.." I still want to know what she's hiding. "Hmm?" She answered. "I-I--nevermind." She looked at me weirdly.

Its so early in the morning and she's already making me go crazy. 


Dahyun's POV

I woke up because I heard so many footsteps.Who could that be?Its so early.Momo unnie?

"Momo unnie,what are you doing?" I asked her. "I'm worried for Mina.What if she's--" I didn't let her finish,I just gave her a tight hug. "Don't think about those things Momo unnie." She cried and cried and she fell asleep.She's really worried,we all are.

Jihyo's POV

We can't find anything! I'm so frustrated right now.What should I do?! Call uncle,right call uncle.

On Call


Uncle Myoui:Low down your voice Jihyo,its already loud you know?

;Uncle,I'm sorry but we can't find Mina.

Uncle:What do you mean by that?

;She was dumped somewhere and we can't trace her,she don't have anything with her.

Uncle:Okay,I'll let my men search for her.You guys can rest for now.




Uncle:Good.I need to go now.

Call Ended

I turn around and saw all of them looking at me. So they've been listening the whole time?

"What did he said,unnie?" Tzuyu asked. "He said he'll find her and he said we can rest." They nodded and went to the kitchen to eat.We usually eat silently but now its different.

"Its so different without her." Sana sadly said. "Yeah,I miss her."  Momo said. "Yah!Why are you guys making it look like she's dead,she's not okay?" They all nodded. "Now cheer up cause she's just here somewhere."

Chaeyoung's POV

We're just here eating,Mina looks lost. "What are you thinking?" I decided to ask her.She's not answering but I think she's saying something.I came closer to hear it but I only hear the word 'love'

"Love?Love who?" I asked again and this time she answered. "You." I choked on my drink.Did she just said she loves me? Nah,I'm probably just being delousional.Yeah yeah,I'm delousional but why is my heart beating so fast?

"W-what?" I asked hoping that I'm just hearing stuffs. "I love you."

I love you

I love you

I love you

Her words are stuck in my head. "Hey." I went back to reality when I felt someone lightly tapping my cheek,it was Mina. "Huh?"

"Son Chaeyoung,I love you so starting today,I'll court you." She what?She just said she loves me and now she's courting me?! Things happened so fast. "Who gave you the permission to do so?"

"I don't need to ask cause I know you'll say yes." She said and winked at me.I lowered my head cause I feel like I'm blushing right now. "Look at you~" I don't know if she's just teasing me or she's really serious. "Chaeyoung,what I said are the truth,I'm not joking.I do love you and I'll court you." She said and washed the dishes.

"Continue what you're doing on the Art Room,I'll call you later." She said.I went to the Art Room and do my thing.

Mina's POV

I was not planning to do that.I swear,I was just thinking when she heard me,I said it out loud.I don't know where the sudden confidence came from,I'm actually nervous that she would say no but she didn't and now I'm doing my victory dance.

Okay,I should stop now.I cooked many stuffs,I put it on the basket.I'm now ready preparing it,I went to the Art Room.I'm nervous,this is my first date,you know.

I knocked at the door and she peeked.cute. "Be ready, we're going on a date."


"You look gorgeous,cub." She's just wearing a simple outfit but she's stunning. "Thank you but can you stop saying that?Its making me embarrassed." She said and covered her face.

"Sorry but I refuse.You'll be hearing more of it." She pouted. "Let's go." "Where are we going?" She asked observing the surroundings. "Its a secret,now let's go." I said and held her hand while leading the way. "Sneaky penguin." She whispered but I heard it. "Yeah,I am." I said and smiled,she looked away.

This will be a long day.

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