Chapter 2

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Chaeyoung's POV

I really admire Mina,at first she looks elegant,beautiful and quiet but turns out she tease a lot,or is it just me.I'm not really angry just a bit annoyed.

Mina's POV

I woke up without Chaeyoung by my side.I washed myself first before going to the kitchen.There I saw her cooking something,she has an apron on and her hair is tied in a bun.How can she be so beautiful?

"Good Morning!" I said cheerfully. "Morning." This cub is really.. "Still mad?" She shook her head. "Then what?""Just annoyed." She said while returning to her cooking.I just let her be,I went outside and I saw the backyard that she's talking about.

It really has many plants and some fruits too when something caught my attention..strawberries.It has different color,that's why it caught my attention.I think she loves these so I decided to grab some and went back in.

"Where did you go?I was worried." She said and I just smiled. "I picked some strawberries." I said while walking. "Really?!" She looks like an excited kid. "Yes,here." I gave it to her and sat in the chair. "Thank you!" She said smiling widely that made my heart skip a beat. "Are we okay now?" She just nodded and put the dish at the table.


"What should we do now?" I asked. "Let's play." She said that made me giggle a little. "Are you sure you're not a kid?" I teased her. "Of course not,now let's go." She said and grabbed my hand.I felt

We're now here in an open space. "What should we--"I got cut off when she suddenly tap my shoulder. "Tag!" She said and run,I just shook my head and run to catch her.

"Tag!" I said and run fast. "Tag!" That's fast!I didn't expect her to be a fast runner.

We played again and again.I felt like a child again,no problems, just happy.Its also been long since I smiled genuinely.

"I'm tired" I said and sat on the grass.She sat beside me. "Let's go somewhere." She dragged me in a..flower garden.It looks beautiful.We sat near the tree.

"Tell me about yourself Mina." She said. "I have nothing to tell,I'm a boring person." I joked but its true tho. "C'mon,I'm gonna ask a question and feel free to answer or not." I just nodded. "What's your job?" She asked. "I'm a CEO.Don't you recognize me?" I asked cause normally people will.Not that popular but sometimes in the news so..

"No,we don't watch television.We don't have one.We don't use gadgets either." She simply said. "Isn't that boring?"

"For some people it is but for me its not.We got to communicate personally,bond with family,chit-chat with friends,read a book by yourself."

"Anyways,next question.Do you have friends?How many?" "I have seven." I said and she hummed. "How about you?" She's just looking at the sky.

"I had one but she left so I'm alone now." Her tone is sad. "Hey,don't be sad.I'm your friend too,you know?" I said and she looked at me and smiled.

"Can I ask something?" I nervously asked.She nodded so I proceed to the question. "Where's your parents?" She became silent so I thought I asked a wrong question. "Its oka--" "They're gone..but its okay!Don't feel sorry for me.They're probably happy up there." She smiled widely.How can she still smile?

"Wait,let me introduce you to them." She said and looked at the sky. "Mom,dad,meet Mina,she's my new friend." She said with a bright smile.I smiled too and looked at the sky and waved my hand. "Hello Mrs. and Mr. Son." She's..a strong girl.


"Let's go,we need to eat." I said and stood up but she didn't. "But I'm still tired." She whined so I bend a bit "Hop on." "Huh?" She looks confused. "I said hop on,I'll carry you." And she did.I made sure that she won't fall. "Good,at least I had a reward for carrying you all the way home." She said and rested her head on my shoulder. "Wait,you carried me?" I feel sorry for being a burden. "Obviously.So now go." She said and I did as told.

My heart is pounding to fast today,what's wrong?I decided to shrug it of as we went home.I put her down and she's already sleeping.She looks beautiful as always.I want to cook something but I don't know how to so I have no choice but to wake her up. "Wake up,Chaeyoung."

"Are we home?" She asked and I nodded. "Sorry to wake you up but I don't know how to cook." I chuckled nervously. "No its okay,just wait here it'll be quick." I'm very lucky to have her as my friend.I'm very lucky that she's the one who saw me.


"What do you usually do when I was not here yet?" I asked after swallowing my food.

"Just exercise, eat, read,eat,read,eat,sleep." She said that made me gigle.

"So we're both boring then." I responded. "Not really,I like spending time with myself." "Then,I think I should go now." I said and acted like I'm going. "Don't go,I like your company." She's so adorable! "Thanks but I'm just gonna refill my glass,you're over reacting." I said while laughing. "Mina!"

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