Chapter 14

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Mina's POV

I closed the book that I'm reading."Where is she now,Mom?"My daughter asked.

"She died..."I said and my daughter put on a sad face,she's so adorable,I pinched her nose.



3 Years Ago

"Wait!"Mina opened the door and all of them looked at her."Ma'am, you're not allow---" Mina cut the nurse off.

"I saw her hnd move!"They all widened their eyes."W-what?"The doctor said but snapped right away.He checked if the patient is still breathing and yes she is.

He became shocked but immediately checked her vitals.Mina and the girls were relieved.Actually, they're still processing.Everything happened so fast.

Chaeyoung is not in a good condition but she got better.The girls always visit her  and of course Mina.As promised she gave the cub many books and strawberries.

They found the man who did these to Chaeyoung.His mens are spared cause they didn't do anything to Chaeyoung.Mina got them a new job,a good one.

End of Flashback

No One's POV

The door opened revealing a cub."Minari!"Mina smiled hearing that voice.She opened her arms and the cub embraced her after kissing her."How about me?"Heejin,their daughter said.

"Come here,baby."Chaeyoung said leveling her daughter's height while opening her arms.Heejin gladly hopped on her mommy's arms.They hugged like a happy family.

Mina quit her job of bring the CEO and opened a restaurant instead.She sometimes cook there if she's not busy.Chaeyoung,now runs a famous art gallery.They got married a year ago and they had Heejin.

Jeongyeon and Nayeon got married two months after Mina and Chaeyoung's.They also have a child now,its a boy.Sana and Tzuyu also got married after Nayeon and Jeongyeon's and they have a child too,a girl.Dahyun and Momo got married after them and they had a child,a boy too.Jihyo got married two months ago with Y/N,the girl that she met in the village and she's currently pregnant for their first child.

All of them live in one neighborhood that Mina bought. They need to separate housed but they don't want to be away.They sometimes bond,their childs are best of friends.

Today is their reunion,they have individual works and their own responsibilities so they don't see each other quite often.They're gonna hang out on MiChang's house cause its big.They're gonna have fun doing some silly stuffs just like before.

"Mom,aunty Momo,aunty Dahyun and Felix is here!"Mina heard Heejin shout while she's cooking."Let them in."Mina answered softly.Mina felt hands snaked to her waist,she knew right away who it was.

"You still smell good."She felt her wife sniffing her shoulder."Go sit.I need to cook,you know?"She said but the cub is stubborn."We came here for food not to see you guy flirt."Momo said while sitting on the couch with her wife.Their kids are playing in the backyard.

"As if you guys don't."Mina fired back,the two looked away that made Mina and Chaeyoung laugh."Eyy!!"Jeongyeon entered with Nayeon and Chan,their child."What's up,hyung?"Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon chatted,cathing up on each other.

"We're not late."Tzuyu entered holding her daughter's hand,Youngsun and leaving Sana behind,tripping.The girls laugh at her clumsiness,no matter how old they are Sana will still be clumsy.

"Youngsun-ah,you see that?You shouldn't be like your mother,always clumsy."Tzuyu said,that made the girls laugh,Sana pouted and pouted more when she saw her daughter nod.

"Yah,Chou Tzuyu.You should teach good stuff to her."Sana replied.Tzuyu just shrugged ans sat in the couch but deep inside she's scared of Sana.

"Knock Jihyo!"Jihyo sang while entering by herself.Y/N couldn't come cause she had an emergency at work but she promised that she'll come next time.

"Keep your voice down,its ready loud.You will break our ears."Nayeon said.Jihyo just ignored the comment and sat with them.

They ate while chatting and their kids eating too but in a different table.They enjoyed todays hang out.

Mina and Chaeyoung are both contented with this.They live happy,sometimes there are problems but they won't  let each other sleep with a problem unsolved.Any of them don't like it when they fight and sometimes Heejin help them made up.

They never fell out of love.Everyday, they're love for each other just keeps increasing and increasing.No matter how many circumstances they face,they will always find each other making up,they fight for it as one.

It all started from the cub finding the penguin on the road.

Sometimes,we find love in unexpected ways.

The End


Its finally done!Thank you guys for patiently waiting and for reading this book.I hope you have a good day!

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