Chapter 6

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Mina's POV

"We're here!" I found this when I was just wandering around and I thought it would be a great spot.

"Woah,this looks beautiful." I hummed in agreement,we sat on the blanket. "I cooked this." I said and showed her the food.She took one and ate it. "What do you want?" She asked me. "Your love." 'That's lame,Mina'. "Shut up."

"When did you become so cheesy?" She said and laughed. "Since I started loving you?" Ah,this is really cheesy.I mentally facepalm,never in my life I would imagine myself being like this. "Yah!Stop it." She's blushing. "But you like it." She just continue eating.I should tease her more,I like seeing her blush.

We're done eating and we're just laying on the blanket and staring at the sky,same position as last time again,it became our favorite. "Cub,have you ever been in a relationship before?"

"No,how about you?" I'm actually relieved when she said that. "Same as you,I'm too busy at work.You know what?You changed me.I swear,I'm so different now." All of what I said are true. "Why?What are you before you came here?" I thought about it for seconds. "You wouldn't want to know but I'm an awful person." I said reminiscing what I am back then. "Don't say that."

We stayed silent for a minute. "I miss my friends." I said out of the blue. "If they found you,will you leave me?" That's a hard question. "Who am I kidding,of course you will." She added. "Of course not,I won't leave you."

"You better do,Myoui." I gulped,how come someone be hot saying my name--Yah!Don't think about those stuffs, Mina. "Minari~" Her dualit-- "Hm?" I responded. "Why me? There's so many beautiful and rich girls out there but why me?"

"I don't care if you're not rich,and you're beautiful too." I said. "I didn't picked you,my heart did.My heart always go crazy when I'm close to you,I haven't felt this with somebody else,just you." I added. "What if I told you that many guys wants to be my suitors too?" I frowned.

"What?!I won't let them have you..Ah,why are you so gorgeous,now I have many rivals." I said while pouting.

"Well yeah they planned on doing so but I didn't let them." Yeah,that's right. " Its such an honor to be Son Chaeyoung's first suitor..and maybe first girlfriend too." I said and I felt her pinching my side. "Stop teasing me~" She whined and pouted.

"But I like seeing your reaction.You should stop pouting before I kiss that lips of yours." I said and she immediately covered her lips,I giggled. "Can I ask something?" I asked,she hummed. "What were you doing before you saw me on the road?" I'm really just curious.

"Jogging." Ohh "I kinda want to thank those guys who left me there." I'm really planning on doing that. "What?Why?" I can hear the curiosity in her voice. "I wouldn't meet you if they didn't dump me." I said and she sigh. "Stupid reason." "Did you just call me stupid?" I asked annoyed. "No,the reason is what I'm talking about."

"But that's like saying I'm stupid indirectly." I said and pretend to be mad. "Are you mad?" I nodded. "What should I do?" She asked worriedly.Oh my gosh,she's so cute.

"Kiss me." I just said that to tease her but I got frozen when I felt soft lips on my cheek.She kissed me!! I felt my face burning,I'm blushing.She did kiss me,right? I put my hand near the spot that she kissed,I can still feel her lips. My whole system is going crazy right now.

I looked at her with eyes wide open she just lowered her head but I can see that she's blushing too.I composed myself first before speaking. "I think I should be angry more often." I said and wiggled my eyebrows but she's not looking so I put my hand on her chin and made her look at me.

We're staring at each other eyes intently.My body just moved by itself! I closed the gap between us,my eyes landed on her lips.Beautiful lips,I wanna taste it.I moved my head closer but I stopped and looked at her eyes again,she's looking at my lips!I unconsciously gulped,just as I was about to kiss her we heard a dog bark.

I came back to my senses and went a little further from her.

Remind me to kill every dog in this village later.

"I-I'm sorry!"

We said at the same time,we made an eye contact but I immediately look away.Great job,Mina.Now,its getting more and more awkward..Do something!

"You're cute when you're blushing,Minari~" She said and suddenly hugged me while giggled.Wait,I'm still processing.....Chaeyoung is hugging me?!And she said I'm cute?! My heart--Its to early for me to die.

"Mina?Should I kiss you to get your attention?" I heard her whisper. "W-what?!" I looked at her,surprised. "Ah, you're so adorable." Your inner sub is showing. I heard my mind said. "I don't care."

"Hey,let's go." She said but I didn't heard it cause I'm busy thinking. "Mina?Mina!Where's my Mina?!Bring Mina back!" She acted while shaking me.What is this girl doing to me?

"Minari,let's go." She said and I nodded.

Chaeyoung's POV

She looks extremely adorable when she's shy and blushing.I thought she can't shut up for a second but I thought wrong.I saw another side of her today.And of course I like the quiet more than the annoying one but I like the annoying one too,just a bit.

I got tired easily.Why now?We still have a long way to go. "Tired?" She asked,I nodded. "Hop on." I looked at her worriedly. "But you'll be tired." She insisted so I have no choice. "Thank you for today,I enjoyed it." She didn't answer.I rested my head on her shoulder,smells good.I fell asleep.

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