Chapter 4

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Mina's POV

I woke up early,my head doesn't hurt anymore.I dressed up and went to the living room.I saw Chaeyoung laying on the couch.Why didn't she slept beside me? I carried her in bridal style and carefully lay her on the bed before kissing her forehead.

I went out to get the flower and this time,I didn't got lost cause I memorized the way.I went back and made breakfast,I honestly don't know how to do this.I don't remember me cooking or learning how to do it but Chaeyoung said she likes it so I cooked different dishes.

I'm finally done!I arranged it on the table.I've never done this before,I don't even know how to apologize to her!This is harder than I expected.

I heard the door opened so I fix my posture and hid the flower on my back. "Minari?" My heart skipped a beat,but I'm still nervous.I'm having mix feelings right now.I cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry Chaeyoung,I was just exhausted and I--nevermind but please accept my apology." I handed the flower and look down,I can't look at her eyes.

"Apology accepted." She responded that made me look at her,she accepted the flower,yay! "But you do know that you can simply apologize right?" She said and sat,I did too. "Yeah but I insist." "I have so many questions,did you cook all of this?Its too many but its tasty.Where did you get the flower?Why are you soaked yesterday?Where did you go yesterday?"

"I did cook all of that,thank you.I roamed yesterday and found the flower but it rained and I got lost so I got soaked.I went back and get the flower hours ago." I explained and took a big bite. "Eat as many as you can,cub." "What did you call me?" She said confused. "Cub.You look like one and you said I can call you whatever I want."


"Minari,let's go." She said. "You're not planning on murdering me right?" I teased her. "Of course not." I decided to tease her more cause her expression looks cute. "Right,why did I even thought of that?A small bean can't kill me." She glared at me,not the scary one,the cute one. "If you're not coming them I'll just go by myself." She said and walk fastly. "Wait up,cub!"

We're now infront of a door that I didn't notice since I got here. She opened it and the first thing I noticed are the canvases with many different size in the corner of the room,it also has many art materials.Its like an empty room full of art materials.So I guess this is where she paints.

"Why are we here?" I asked while she's picking some materials. "Go there." She said and pointed to the center so I did. "I want you to pose like a ballerina." She said that confused me. "I will sketch you." I did as told. "Stay still.It won't last long."


I just admire her while she's sketching.Her serious face looks hot. "Done!" I can finally move. "Let me see." She gave the sketchpad to me.It looks beautiful,its very detailed. "Did you like it?" "Are you kidding me?I love it!" She smiled widely. "I'm gonna keep it here."

She showed me her paintings.It all looks beautiful,when one painting caught my attention.

(Picture above)

"Beautiful right?That's my favorite.Two inseparable  birds who will still find each other no matter how many people tried to shoot them." She's really cool. "You're so talented.I feel talentless now." I joked.

"I'm not,you're also talented.Every people is talented in different ways." Her personality makes me love her more.

We went out of the room and its already 6 in the evening. "I guess we spent too much time there." I said while walking to the kitchen. "Let's eat,Minari."

We ate while talking.I enjoyed her company.We talked about so many stuffs again,we never ran out of topic and surprisingly I'm talkative.I've discovered a new side of myself.


We're now in bed,same position as the previous one.I can't sleep,I think she feels the same. "Cub,I can't sleep,can you sing for me?" "W-what?I'm not good at it."

She's always on my mind
From the time I wake up 'til I close my eyes
She's everywhere I go
She's all I know

Her voice is so soothing.

And though she's so far away
It just keeps gettin' stronger, every day
And even now she's gone
I'm still holding on

So tell me where do I start
'Cause it's breakin' my heart
Don't want to let her go

What if she likes someone else? Thinking about it makes me sad.

Maybe my love will come back some day
Only heaven knows
And maybe our hearts will find a way
Only heaven knows

And all I can do is hope and pray
'Cause heaven knows

If that's the case..I'll make her love me.


Nayeon's POV

We're still finding Mina.We thought she went somewhere but we have CCTV installed in our van,she was kidnapped.We saw  the guys face,there's three guys in total and we caught them.We're now going to the basement to talk to them,yeah talk.

We arrived,we created a circle around them. "W-who are you?" The guy in the middle said. "We're sorr--"We will ask you a question,answer it honestly if you want us to spare you."Jihyo said,she's dead serious right now and its scary.

"Where is our friend?" Jeongyeon said. "We don't know." The guys on the left side answered. "What do you mean you don't know?!You kidnapped her!" Momo shouted.

"W-we just left her somewhere on the road,w-we just really need money,s-sorry." I looked--I mean we looked at Tzuyu,waiting for her answer.She's a good observer like Mina and she will know if someone is lying or not. She shook her head saying they didn't lie.

We left the basement and gathered on the living room. "What now?How can we find her?" I asked frustratedly.

"We should rest first,we'll continue the search tomorrow." Dahyun said calmly. "But--" Sana was about to protest but Tzuyu stopped her.

"Let's sleep and continue tomorrow."

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