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"You ready?"

No. "Yes." Turning to Mama, I flashed her a toothless smile and we made our way down the hall. I breathed out a sigh in relief seeing the second floor of the lodge house was currently empty but swallowed back a lump of fear down my throat when the first floor was the very same.

Quiet. Yet, not so peaceful.

Through the big glass window on the side of the house overlooking the garden, I watched as our guests said good-bye and went their separate ways. Only few people remained behind, counting silently in my head.

Mr. Luciano and Mrs. Luciano, The four Luciano brothers, Giovanna and my family.

A hand squeezed my shoulder and I turned.

"If anything— bad happened at any times at all, I want you to call me." Mama whispered into my ear as she softly pecked my temple, "You will be safe with him, sweetheart. He is your home now. He will protect you."

No, don't leave me was threatening to escape my lips but I quickly took it back. Swallowing all the words right down my throat where they belonged, I hushed. My only response to her was a small nod and a weak smile.

I glanced around, seeing how the place began to empty out. The tables were folded away, shriveling flowers were brought out of their vases and the housemaids were collecting up dirty dishes before brought them back to the kitchen. Everything slowly found its way back to where they belong. And so was I.

Stepping out to the front porch, I stood beside Mama. She rubbed her hand up and down the small of my back in reassurance. But for the first time in a long time, her motherly's touch didn't feel so soothing to me.

My breath hitched when a group of people slowly making their ways over and before I could have another minute in peace with my mother, they interrupted.

"Where have you been?" Starting from Luke, he looked down at me and asked in concern.

Then followed Giovanna hissing at me but I was positive she did it out of worry, "We have been searching the whole place for you!"

Instead of apologizing for my disappearance, my eyebrows drew together in both confusion and surprise, "Why? Did you need me for something?"

Giovanna clicked her tongue, a bit annoyed but she knew I was right. She didn't need me.

"Not really..." She mumbled, "But next time if you really have to go somewhere, take me with you. Or at least tell one of the guys first."

And that was my cue to say sorry.

"I am sorry, Gi. I just had to use the toilet." I explained boringly, "Didn't think I need ten guys accompanying me for that."

"It's for your own safety, London. Liam has half of his men here looking out for you. I'm sure there's a good reason behind it." Jack interpreted.

"It's not the others he was afraid of. I am sure." I mumbled quietly to myself under my breath but Mama sure heard it as she nudged my side and looked at me disapprovingly.

And to tell you the truth, I didn't know exactly as to which part of Jack's sentences I should feel threatened by; The fact that his brother thought something bad could have happened at a wedding reception, or the fact that the number of men dressed in black presented in this evening only counted as half of the men that worked for Liam.

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