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"You can have any girls in this world. Get with them. Play with them. Break their hearts. I don't care. But her. She is my best friend."

It was the next day in the morning. Early in the morning. How did I know? I hadn't even opened my eyes yet but I could feel a warm bright sunlight shining through the window, heathing up my skin.

For the second time, in a subdued voice, almost a whisper, the person hissed.

"Why does it have to be her?"

I did not need to open my eyes to guess who she was. I recognized her voice, possibly within the first two seconds I heard it.

"Trust me, Gi. If it is up to me-"

"It is always up to you, brother. You could have walk away. You could have said no. You could have not...touch her."

It was Giovanna. She sounded broken. She was rambling on and on desperately.

"Please stop with this game. Stop hurting my friend." She pleaded with him, "Leave her alone. I beg of you."


"Don't make me choose between the two of you." She declared. Her tone wasn't a slur anymore. It was as if she wanted me to hear and wake up, "I got to go. If she wakes up, let her know I will be here after my exam."

"I will."

"Also," Giovanna dwelled, "Mother called me twice this morning. She left a message for you. Call her back. It's urgent. She sounded very upset and I know you do not care but please. Give her a call."

Then, I heard several loud steps before the door slammed shut. Now, I would be a fool to continue pretending to be asleep.

When I flickered my eyes open, I was looking at his face.

"Morning..." I murmured hoarsely, stretching my arms and legs before scrunched up just like I did before.

I watched carefully as a sudden medley of emotions transformed his anxious face. At the end, all that left was a smile. A clearly forced one.

"Did you have a good sleep?" He asked and I looked at him, stumped.

"Y-yes." I slowly nodded.

"Are you hungry?"

I shook my head, shooting him a strange look.

"Liam, I just woke up."

He seemed to briefly consider my words before attempted to avoid my gaze as he made his way over to the couch and sat down.

"Is everything alright?" I asked and it was that fake smile of his again. Boy thought he could really fool me with that.

"Yes." Liam replied. His brow twitched in challenging manner as he caught me intensely staring still.

My mouth pulled into a tight frown.

"You look...different." I observed from afar and he just shook his head, resting his head back. He proceeded to close his eyes. Inhaled then exhaled loudly, like he was forcing himself to stop thinking about something.

"Go back to bed." He said, in a low gruff voice that failed to convince me he really wanted me back asleep.

"Liam." I called sharply and heard him lowly muttered something to himself but continued to ignore me.

"Liam." I repeated again. This time a little louder, caused his head to snap in my direction. He stared at me and I noticed there was something different in his eyes. Something almost resentful.

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