thirty-five (mature-content)

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My heart was thudding inside of my chest as I made my way down the hallway and straight to the entrance door. I didn't know for how long had I disappeared into the garden and found Xavier but I guessed it had been over an hour or possibly two since everyone looked pretty much wasted and the room was only left with half of the populations as there were before.

I looked around, trying to spot Giovanna and any of the girls but I couldn't find them.

"London?" I heard a soft voice called and slowly, turned around.

"Helena." I breathed out, feeling relief washed over me. At least, there was somebody around here that I knew.

"Oh my god. Everyone has been looking for you!" She said lowly as if she was afraid someone would hear us. She pulled me to the her side before dragged me toward the main entrance door.

"By everyone, you mean..."

"Liam. Giovanna and the two other girls." Helena told. She walked me restlessly outside and as soon as we got past the doorway. I heard a scream.

"London!" I didn't have to look around to guess who it was. Automatically, my glance found Giovanna and she was rushing up the steps of the front porch to get to us.

"Where the heck have you been?!" I hissed at her, angrily, "I have been looking for you the whole night!"

"I could say the same thing!" She grumbled back, "God, Lo. Liam is going to kill you."

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. If only these people knew just how tonight had been like for me.

"I feel sick. Can we leave now?" I asked Giovanna and she quickly nodded.

"I am going to ask Travis to drop you off and we will tell Liam that you went home a long time ago." Giovanna began to explain to me her plan and for the first time ever, I couldn't say she was wrong.

"And, I am going to tell my brother the same thing so maybe, he could help us convince Liam too." Helena also added.

It was starting to scare me a little just how petrified they were acting. I didn't know how angry Liam was, just yet as I hadn't seen him since I got lost into the crowd. However, I could only hope that I didn't have to deal with him any time soon and that Giovanna's plan went as smooth as it should be.

But the one thing, we both seemed to forget about totally was how loyal and devoted Travis was.

"What do you mean you have to tell him?!" Giovanna's hissing and yelling were starting to give me a headache. We had been standing outside for some times now as Travis had made it clear to both of us that there was no way he was going to leave the party without Liam.

"Miss Giovanna, I am afraid I have to tell Master that you have found Miss London. I couldn't lie to him. I still have a family and a sick mother to provide for. I cannot lose my job or life." Travis said, reaching into his pocket for his phone.

"Oh, for god sake!" Giovanna hissed, stomping her feet on the ground like a child.

A sudden prickling pain flashed at my temple and I had to squeeze my eyes shut. I looked down at my phone and ignored all the missed calls and messages from Liam to check the time.

Jesus Christ. It was freaking one in the morning.

I had disappeared for about five hours. Five freaking hours. Maybe Giovanna was right, Liam was definitely going to kill me.

"Travis, please. Don't tell him!" Giovanna continued to beg even though Travis was already speaking on phone with Liam. By the look on Travis's face, I could only hope Liam was less harsh with me than he was with him.

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