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There was a strange feeling erupting in my guts. Like suddenly, my stomach fell into a knot and my chest clenched tight. I couldn't begin to explain how weird every organs felt inside my body. I just knew everything at the moment felt wrong. I couldn't move, nor speak. The only thing I could do and had been doing for the past several seconds was staring straight into his expressionless face.

As if what happened tonight wasn't delusional enough already, standing in front of me, in the flesh, alive and breathing was Xavier.

Yes. The same Xavier whom I once mistook as my friend, and spent a great amount of time hanging around without knowing every words that came off of his mouth was based on a lie.

One big fat filthy lie.

"You've got to be kidding me."

I remembered hissing in anger while glancing over at Luke.

"What's he doing here?" I asked him, my voice taking on the exact same tone as how I wanted it to sound like in my head.

"He, is here to save your life." Xavier added on, as if my inquiry earlier was being directed to him, he responded on Luke's behalf.

Luke, on the other hand just stood back and watched us spitting words to each other. His facial feature was set in a solid expression, masking any emotions from my observation.

He flicked his gaze over at Xavier.

"There is a slight change of plan." Xavier then informed him and Luke arched his eyebrows, listening attentively, "Alfred couldn't give her a ride anymore."

My stomach churned, rising to my head then neck at how abnormally long Luke was taking to process that thought. He looked down for a second before bobbed his head slowly.

"That's too bad." He trailed off. I read a sudden concerned expression was making its way to his face before it was quickly being replaced with a stern look, "You got this?" He asked Xavier.

Taking a step forward, Xavier gave him a small nod before he used his sight to motion me toward his car.

"I am not getting in the car with him." I growled at Luke, "The last time we met, he tried to kill me."

"I didn't try to kill you." From where he was standing, Xavier hissed coldly, "You tried to kill yourself by sneaking out to meet me and lied to your mob boss of a boyfriend."

I raised my straining eyes to meet his as we shot each other a dagger glance.

"Enough. Both of you." Luke grunted.

I swallowed a lump of fear as he looked down at me.

"London, we don't have much time left." He stated, seriously, "I promise you I can explain everything but right now, you need to get going."

"Well, I am not leaving with him." I stood my ground, ignoring the bad feeling that was arising in my guts, telling me to listen to Luke. I refused to cope.

"That's alright." Xavier said, "We can always get you an uber." He suggested.

"We will not get her an uber, asshole." Luke hissed and I swore, he might have just become  my most favourite person ever— frankly.


In three hurried steps, Xavier reached me. My entire body froze as I stood there and watched him getting down on one knee, before it reheated ever so quickly when I felt his hands reaching right under my butt and easily, he lifted me off the ground. He thrown me over his shoulders, carrying me like a cheap bag of potato.

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