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He loves her.

From the way he was touching her face, fondling with her hand in his lap, and feeding her sweets with his other free hand, I couldn't help it but felt envy. It was weird because I didn't even know them to begin with. We just happened to sit in the same cafe, at the exact same time of the day and I was just a stranger, stupidly gawking at them like I got no life of my own.

As of now, there were only me and that lovely couple sitting in the shop. And, as sweet as a cup of hot cocoa in my hand tasted, I was pretty certain it got nothing on their relationship. He looked at her like she was the most precious gift he had ever been given and she looked at him like he was the only thing that mattered. They were so consumed by each other's companies that they failed to recognize my stare. However, the person who had been sitting on the opposite side of me didn't.

"What're you looking at?" He asked, snapping me abruptly out of my thought and I almost choked on my drink. Crap. It was too hot.

I coughed several times, hitting my hand on my chest. He handed me the napkin. I quickly took it from him to cover my mouth and cleaned the area around it. Afraid that I might mess up my face and ended up with a funny chocolate stain around my mouth like a child. I didn't want to look anything but perfection in his eyes.

"Nothing." I muffled into the napkin.

"Are you sure?" He continued to ask in worried tone, "You have been zoning out a lot since we sat down. Is there something wrong?"

"No, Xavier." I affirmed confidentially and he merely nodded.

"Alright then. But do let me know straight away if my story started to bore you out or anything..." He trailed off reluctantly, "You don't have to pretend. I completely understand—"

"You did nothing." I said, one more time and made sure to sound even more serious than serious, "It's not you. Believe me, your stories are very interesting and funny. I...I just have a lot on my mind right now. I am so sorry."

"You don't need to apologize. Just, if you want to talk about it, we can talk about it."

God, why does he have to be so polite and sweet all the time?

It didn't help. If anything, it was only making me hate Liam more and I honestly already did a little.

Called me a slut, it's okay. I even felt like one lately, using one man to get over the other one. From the day Emma and the boys came to the house and expressed their concerns toward my situation with their brother, or friend, I hadn't stop thinking. The idea of Liam getting hurt mentally, and physically was putting me on edge every day. I had tried so hard to reach out to him. I wanted to at least know what was going on or that if he needed my company. But it turned out, he was fine on his own.

The closest I received to his respond message was a notice from Travis, or one of his guys. They would tell me his schedule of the day but it was nothing apart from work and work. I didn't know if Liam knew but he really worked too much. It was like every seconds in his life, he had spent living off of his office and a pole of documents. It got to the point where I started to feel bad toward him. Guilt was eating me up alive everyday and I couldn't bare it anymore. I couldn't wait for Liam no more.

That was when Xavier came into play.

I didn't know exactly how or who did give him my contact. But bare in my mind that I owned him or her one hell of a favor. If it wasn't because of them, who knew how messed up I could turn out to be. Let admit it, you could never get over someone by just staying at home and talking to yourself in front of the mirror. That method might work for somebody but that somebody wasn't me. I couldn't be one second on my own and I would already be thinking about Liam again.

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