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Seven hours and fifty minutes in total was how long it take for us to arrive in Paris. As soon as we got out of the private jet, we swarmed by a group of security guards and more than a dozen of French policemen.

We didn't even need to get inside the airport and everything was already done for us. All that we needed to do was to hop in the back of a white Rolls-Royce and Liam directed him that we were ready to go. Through the transparent glass wall of the airport, overlooking the view of the runway, I could see people starting to take notice and some of them  were openly holding up their phones to record us. I was pretty sure all the passengers inside the airport thought we were criminals.

Powerful rich ass criminals.

Among many other things, like the beautiful view of Paris outside our windows and the jazz music playing in the background inside the car, I couldn't help but felt a little out of place. When Liam offered me a free trip to Paris, all that was in my head was croissant and Eiffel tower but now, it was like we were living out of the Great Gatsby book.

Everything was fancy. Everything was extra. It had only been just about ten minutes since we landed and clearly, the treatment we received couldn't be anymore normal. Sarcasm noted.

Aftera brief moment of silence, Liam cleared his throat portentously causing me to look over at him.

"Are you alright there?" He asked, hoarsely.

"Yes, I am fine." I lied. I was in fact a little panicking but he didn't need to know that, "Anyways, where are we going?"

A small smile etched his lips and I gave him the look.

"You will see." Was exactly his respond before we spent the next thirty minutes not speaking to each other as Liam was occupied by multiple phone calls.

By the time we arrived at the destination, I was half asleep half-awake. With more than seven hours airplane flight on me, I kind of wished I was being tucked in bed but instead, I found myself gingerly walking down a dim hallway with double-ceiling, looked like an underground floor of some buildings.

Upon glancing above my head, I noticed something familiar about that clean light ecru ceiling and its decorative fluorescent light covers.

That couldn't be a coincidence

"Wait, where are we?" I turned to ask Liam and he exchanged another few words with the people who had been trailing just right behind us, he then dismissed them to approach me.

"My restaurant." He simply replied, putting his hand on my lower back caused my breath to hitch. The corner of his lips pulled upward as he lightly smirked.

"Of course." I scoffed, rolling my eyes so hard I could have seen the inside of my skull, "What's the name of the restaurant?"

Even I kind of already knew the answer, I didn't want to be too blunt and ended up making a complete fool of myself.

"Laserre, why?" His respond caused me to squeal.

Without even realize I was smiling like an idiot, another happy accidents, maybe? That he happened to want to come here for only God knew what reasons or could it he that he remembered our conversation from many nights ago.

"It's your favorite, isn't it?" Liam asked and I let his hand guiding me further down the dinning hall.

If I remembered it right, exactly those words he spoke to me that night.

So teasingly, I said to him, "So, is that why we are here?"

He shrugged in all that playfully way before adding a soft, "Maybe."

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