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"Eat your food. Not play with it." Liam said causing me to look up from my plate and gawked at him. It was the first time Liam and I  had a proper meal together at home with just the two of us in his big dining room. Few maids were standing along the side of the table, making sure they tend to everything we'd ever needed to make our dining experience extra pleasant.

But little did they know, the only way I could fully enjoy having dinner with Liam was that I had to not be there.

"I am not hungry." I couldn't force myself to eat as every time I held up a spoonful of food to my mouth, I wanted to vomit.

A vomit reminded me of morning sickness and then, morning sickness technically represented pregnancy. Everything I did, every air I breathed in, I only thought back to the conversation I had with his parents and him earlier today.

"Still. That's not an excuse for you to play with your food." He muttered, "There are children on the other side of the world dying from hunger."

"Since, when did my mother marry you and make you my second father?" I spat at him and from the corner of my eyes, I could see quite a few maids were trying their hardest not to laugh.

Score one for me.

"Don't be disrespectful." Liam said irritatingly.

"Then don't be annoying." I taunted him back.

Whatever that was Liam about to yell at me, he seemed to realize he shouldn't and carefully swallowed it back down his throat. I looked at him, a bit confused at first but didn't want to think much of it as it was for my own good.

"I am taking a day off tomorrow. What do you want to do?" He asked and I didn't know for how long I just sat there, gaping at him stupidly.

"You're being weird." I finally came up with something appropriate to say.

"The word you're looking for is nice." He corrected me, wiping his mouth with a clean napkin before dropped it onto his dirty plate, "I am being nice because you did well today."

I slightly nodded. Weird but I would take it. That was probably the best apology I could get from someone with a pride and ego as high as Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai.

"Anyways, I will be free tonight too. Why don't we do something together?" He asked casually.

I gave him a weird look.

"I mean like watch a movie together...or I don't know, you can ask me those stupid questions like how you did the other night." He suggested and immediately, I frowned.

Did he just call my question stupid?

I annoyingly sighed, "If you really want to do me a favor in return of my good action, there is no need for you to take it that far." I noted distinctively, "Just go to work as you normally would tomorrow. There is nothing else you and I could possibly do together. Well, except you want to spend two hours straight arguing."

I didn't know if it was my mean words or the food he had earlier wasn't his favorite but he appeared to be very displeased...and I wasn't sure that emotion was there but I guessed I saw sadness in his eyes.

Or was that his way to make me feel awful about my own insults. Because if that so, it was seriously working.

"If you need anything, I will be in my office." He told me, coldly before he got up from his chair and headed out the dinning room.

Wait, did I just hurt his feeling?


Dressed in my matching set of pajamas, I stepped out of my bathroom and my eyes caught with Pyper's. She lightly smiled at me and we changed a friendly 'hi' while she walked past me to the bathroom. Probably to take care of my dirty laundry as usual.

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