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𝙏𝙤𝙠𝙮𝙤, 𝙅𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙣
𝟭𝟭:𝟮𝟬 𝗮𝗺
Silvana POV...

"Silvana what are you doing here." Yekaterina was beyond confused seeing me in front of her hotel door. "I thought I was meeting you tonight?"
"I know but I wanted to come and apologize for Junmyeon's actions."
"Oh um." Yekaterina seemed nervous with me being here. She was always looking back behind her and the door wasn't open all the way.

"Екатерина кто за дверью?(Yekaterina who is at the door?)" I hear a man voice call out from behind her and it wasn't Kirila's voice.
"Олезка, пожалуйста, вернись к своей еде.(Olezka go back to eating your food please.)" She looks behind her shouting out to the unknown man.
"I can come back anot-"
"That is no need, Yekaterina please invite your beautiful friend in." The door is pulled all the way open. A man towering over Yekaterina stands behind her.
He looks me up and down licking his lips. He had a napkin tucked in his shirt.
"Hi I'm Silvana." I hold my hand and he gladly accepts.
"Nice to meet you Silvana, I'm Olezka Yegorov." His other hand grazes on top of mine. He plants a light peck on it. "Yekaterina's big brother."

𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐𝖐𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕸𝖔𝖇𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 David Schütter as Olezka YegorovDOB: April 4, 1993Background: The second son of Russian Mob Boss Vaska Yegorov

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𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐𝖐𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕸𝖔𝖇𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗
David Schütter as Olezka Yegorov
DOB: April 4, 1993
Background: The second son of Russian Mob Boss Vaska Yegorov.
Handles the money and collects money from Brigadiers also bribes the government.
Formerly known as the Accountant.

"Ah." I nod with a smile on my face swiftly taking my hand back.

look behind him to see the table had half eaten plates, half empty glasses, and a ash tray with smoke floating above.

"I had no idea that you were eating."
"Oh don't be, we can make a plate for you." He turns around his hand pointing to the table.
"No thank you, I'm not that hungry. Sorta lost my appetite earlier today."
"Wait a minute!" He points at me then looks at Yekaterina. "Is this the woman Kirila almost got into a fight about!" He laughs uproariously.
"Brother please stop, she is confused." Yekaterina rolls her eyes pulling me over by her side. "Come and sit beside me." She pulls out a chair next to hers and I sit down.
Olezka sits down in front of me, what a coincidence.
"Silvana are you sure you don't want any food, it feels wrong to eat in front of your face." Yekaterina says.
"I'm fine, just a drink would be nice."
"Now tell me-Silvana right?"
"Yes, Silvana."
"Why did my brother get in a fight today?" He wipes his mouth with his napkin and sits it on the table.
"I wouldn't say a fight but more of an altercation. No one fought." Yekaterina hands me a glass of red wine and I give her a kind smile as an thank you.
"Didn't Kirila tell you not to bring that up." Yekaterina sits down beside me.
"I am the big brother, I can bring up what I want."
"Yeah whatever." Yekaterina rolls her eyes and takes out a cigarette pack.
"Silvana have you ever been to Russia before?" Olezka asks me.
"No never, I've only been to Japan and now I live here."
"Oh you live here?"
"Yes, I came to Okinawa for a vacation. I've been working non-stop and wanted to treat myself."
"Understandable, I was just in Switzerland enjoying my time there then I came here to Japan. I wanted to see what my little brother and sister was up to." Yekaterina let's out a 'hmph' when Olezka says that.
The conversation was weird and it just didn't seem right. Yekaterina wasn't as sociable like earlier or yesterday.
"Switzerland, that sounds nice. What did you do there?"
"I was enjoying the slopes, food, and women of course with a mix of business."
"Ahh business, no matter how much you try to get away it just catches up. Hopefully here in Okinawa you can actually relax more."
"You are too kind Silvana." I felt uncomfortable in my seat by the way Olezka was staring at me. "You see we need more people who care about others even if you are strangers."
"Don't let Olezka get caught up on giving his work meeting pitch." I chuckle.
"Olezka it seems you can never get away from work, but I do agree on people helping each other."
"I know I know, I try so hard."
"What is your job, if you don't mind me asking."
"Family business, me and my brothers all work for my father's oil company."
"A family owned business, wow." I nod my head.
"Hopefully my little sister will end up doing the same."
"Olezka you know I'm going to be just like мама, get married to a rich man, push out at least 4 kids, and make him take care of me for the rest of my life." Yekaterina nudges me and we both laugh.
"Oh you woman." Olezka shakes his head with a smirk on his face. "Now Silvana, what is your job?"
"I'm a hostess." I blatantly say.
"You provide sexual favors to a man at a bar?"
"Some do but not me, I just make them buy alcohol all night. Super drunk means more money."
"Hmm, I never seen a woman not sugarcoat her profession."
"I don't see a need to, it will be found out later on anyway." I shrug my shoulders.
Olezka phone abruptly rings.
"I'll be back, business." He takes off his napkin and walks way into an unknown room.
"Since he is gone, I want to let you know that you don't have to apologize for two man being childish. I know that you must have some relationship with that Junmyeon guy, and Kirila pushed his buttons about you and him having sex last night."
"I just hate that it caused a scene and now everyone in the hotel will be looking at you and Kirila like y'all crazy."
"Silvana I am use to the stares, I come from a powerful family who has connections with the president. I get my fair share of stares." She chuckles putting her cigarette back in her mouth.

"Извини, что потратил так много времени, но эти ублюдки не знают, как правильно делать свою работу.(Sorry I took so long but those bastards don't know how to do their job correctly.)" I turn my attention to the room door opening and Kirila walking inside.

Kirila had a cigar in his mouth, a brown bag of what was most likely alcohol, and his dress shirt was ripped.

Kirila had a cigar in his mouth, a brown bag of what was most likely alcohol, and his dress shirt was ripped

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He pauses when he sees my sitting beside Yekaterina.
"Silvana what are you doing here? I thought you were coming by tonight?"

You sound just like your sister."

"Here Yekaterina." Kirila hands her the brown paper bag. "Silvana could you come into my room so we can talk?"
"Uh yeah." I get up from my seat.
"I'll be in my room picking a outfit for tonight." Yekaterina says leaving to go to her room.

We leave the main room also going into his room.
"What do you want to talk about?" I plop down on his made up bed.
"About earlier."

I know what happened, no need to bring it up." I shrug.

"Well I want to say sorry for saying some things I shouldn't have said."
"I accept your apology." I give him a kind smile. My attention turns to his messed up shirt. "What happened?" I stand up going over by him. I tug a little on his ripped sleeve.
"Nothing, I realized it was ripped after what happened with your boyfriend." I laugh.
"He's not my boyfriend."
"Then what is he?"
"Remember, I don't kiss and tell." Kirila pulls me close to him.
"You don't kiss and tell uh?"
"Nope." I shake my head.
Kirila wraps his arms around my waist.
His face inches closer towards mine.
"But you mister,you like to kiss and tell." I stop him from kissing me by putting my hand up.
"I can make it up to you better than talking ever could." Kirila smirks
"How is that?"
"Let me show you." Kirila pulls my dress up.
"Kirila your sister and brother is out there." I could admit that I was getting flustered.
"Olezka is long gone somewhere and Yekaterina has probably forgotten about us. She knows how me and you get down." Kirila plants kisses from lip to my neck after each word. "You just have to be quiet." He whispers.
I giggle.
"I think you'll have to be quiet."
"Oh really? We'll just have to see."

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