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𝙏𝙤𝙠𝙮𝙤, 𝙅𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙣
𝟭:𝟰𝟱 𝙥𝙢

Silvana POV...

"I will be going out now with Olezka, but when I come back I better see you all dolled up looking sexy for me." Kirila tries to kiss my lips but I turn my head for him to kiss me on the cheek. He gives a small smile and leaves the room.
I sigh and turn around to look at the mess of the bed, I don't know if I can keep going on like this.

Fixing my hair one last time I knock on Yekaterina's door.
"Come in." I open the door and I see Yekaterina laying on her bed going through a magazine.
"Japan's fashion is amazing." She taps the magazine showing me a model. "I bet you get all the latest outfits."
"Speaking of outfits, what am I wearing to the dinner?" I sit beside her.
"I got just the thing!" Yekaterina jumps up from the bed scurrying over to the closet. "You are going to love this." I could hear her rummaging through her closet. "It doesn't fit me, my mama thinks I'm your size so I gift this to you." Yekaterina walks out of the closet holding up a loose white satin dress. "It is the latest from a well known fashion designer, it is so pretty but I'm just too small for it."
"Aww thank you, Yekaterina you don't have to do this. I can just go back, get changed, and come back for dinner."
"No, it is a gift from me so you must accept it and I know that you really don't want to go home." She lays the dress down beside me. "Now I think I have some heels in your size, let me go check." Yekaterina goes back into her closet. "Silvana?" I reply with a hmm.
"You know sooner or later you're going have to choose on you will be with. It'll either be the man from earlier or my brother." I was left speechless from what she said. "Here you go." She walks out of the closet handing me a pair of heels.
"Do I have to choose?" I look down at the heels in my hands. Yekaterina sits down beside me.
"Silvana I've seen the way you look at my brother and the way you look at that man, you like them both but is undecided. Me and my brother will be leaving Japan and I know my brother wants to bring you back with us."
"So soon?"
"When my brother makes his decision he doesn't go back on it, no matter how soon the choice is. Kirila likes you but it is up to you if you're able to make that type of move." I sigh. "But I don't want to spend this time being serious, so just give yourself time to think about it." Yekaterina stands up. "Now let me touch up your make up and dress you up!" Yekaterina pulls me up from the bed.

I couldn't believe I spent this whole time actually not dreading the event.
I feel through my no longer curly hair, I had flat-ironed it thinking it'll look better with my dress.

 I feel through my no longer curly hair, I had flat-ironed it thinking it'll look better with my dress

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"Come on Silvana, the men are ready." Yekaterina pulls me away from the mirror where I was checking myself out.
"Olezka Kirila we are ready!" The two men stop having their original conversation to look over at us.
"Little brother you are lucky, you get the beautiful date while I'm stuck with this old hag." Olezka says as they stand up from their seats. Yekaterina curses at him in russian and smacks his arm making me let out a small laugh.
"I look forward to this dinner, never been to Japan before." Olezka says putting out his cigarette in the ash tray next to the chair he was just sitting on.
"Brother do not worry, it'll live up to the russian palate expectation you have." Yekaterina rolls her eyes walking ahead of him as we leave their hotel suite.
"I look forward to dessert." Kirila whispers in my ear then kisses my cheek as we walk down the hallway.
I did not say anything, as much as I probably was going to be with him tonight I just couldn't get what Yekaterina said to me out of my head.

𝟭:𝟰𝟱 𝙥𝙢

It was the next day, I didn't want to go back to the vacation house so I spent the night with Yekaterina in her room, not Kirila's room this time. Even if I wanted too he was gone the whole night after the dinner with his brother Olezka.
I was still stuck in the white loose satin dress that Yekaterina had gifted me from last night's dinner, not having a change of clothes from the ones I wore yesterday being dirty for a specific reason. I had no choice but to come back to the vacation house in the clothes I wore last night.
"Junmyeon?" I call out as I walk to the room we shared. "Junmyeon are you in here?"Pushing open the bedroom door I see he wasn't in there.
The bed was left same from yesterday, nothing in the room was touched except for a big black suitcase in the corner right next to my suitcase.
I go over to the big black suitcase pushing it out of the way so I could go through my suitcase.
As I was getting my clothes I accidentally bumped into the black suitcase causing it to fall over.
The next thing I saw was horrific.
The body of one the guards was sprawled out. His face was beaten to a pulp and his white dress shirt was covered in blood from the visible gun shots, you could tell he was beaten then killed.
I fall back against my suitcase, my body ran cold at the sight of the poor man.
I slowly crawl back into the corner of where the suitcases were. My eyes couldn't leave his lifeless body, I choked back tears as I started to feel panic rush through my body. I hadn't had this feeling since that night in the boat.
My vision was getting spotty and blurred from tears filling the brims of my eyes as I was forgetting to breath.

𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙧: 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟳
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚...

"Maria I can't wait to be the best auntie to the little princess in you." My hands feel Maria's pregnant belly, she was 7 months.
"And mommy cannot wait for this princess to come out." We both laugh. 'This little girl has been really needy."
"I wonder where she gets it from." Tony walks up behind Maria planting a kiss in her cheek. Miguel comes over to my side wrapping arm around my waist.
"Cállate!" Maria slaps Tony's arm.
"You better be careful primo, I don't need Maria killing you before you see your babygirl."
"Miguel you know she won't kill me, who gonna get her the food she wants when she has her cravings."
"Mi mama." Maria crosses her arms.
"Damn man, that's cold."
"Yep, now Silvana come on I ready to eat." Miguel kisses me on cheek before I leave with Maria.
It was currently Maria's baby shower, Maria is Miguel's cousin, Tony, fiancé.
Their whole back yard was filled with families and friends.
The older woman were sitting together inside the house and outside gossiping.
The older men were playing card games.
The young man and girls were dancing together while the small children ran around.

"Now Silvana, when are you going to give my princesa a friend?" I look over at her in shocked as I filled my plate with food.
"What do you mean?"
"Come on Silvana, you heard me."
"Maria you know I have to wait for Miguel to put a ring out before I pop out mini Miguel's."
"Don't worry I'll have Tony speak to him."
"Then Miguel is going to know I spoke to you and you spoke to Tony."
"Pssh, girl Miguel doesn't care. I have heard him saying he is going to wife you up eventually."
"Whatever, give me your plate." I take her plate as we walk back to our table.


I hear a loud screeching from a car tires.
It was like in slow motion, I look up and see men in black with green bandanas wrapped around their faces jump out of van and start shooting.
The loud gunshots made me dropped the plates and cover Maria as we fell on the ground.
I could hear the returning gunshots coming from our side and our men yelling & cursing in Spanish.

The tires screech again, that mean they had drove off.
"Maria are you okay?" I get off a Maria to look down and see blood on me.
At first I thought I was hit that is until I realized the blood was coming from Maria.
"Maria please wake up!" Tears were streaming down my face as I was shaking a limp Maria.
She had two gunshots, one in her back and another on the side of her stomach.
My pale pink dress was now covered in blood as I held on Maria's body.

"Come we got to go." Miguel pulls me off of Maria.
"No! No! I have to help her!" I protested loudly, kicking and screaming while I was in his arms being pulled away..
I looked over to my side to see Tony on the ground with blood coming out of his mouth. I couldn't believe it, he was dead too.
I started to breath heavily, choking on my own tears and then It went dark & silent.

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