Chapter 2

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I tried to keep myself calm as Waleed drove us to the hospital. I was taking deep breaths as the doctors had made me do in my previous pregnancies.

"You okay, baby?" Waleed asked from the front seat.

"Just drive fast, I don't want this baby to be delivered in the car," I had started getting contractions after my water broke.

They were getting strong with each passing minute. I had my first two deliveries on the due date that the doctor gave us. We had gone and got admitted a day before the due date and I was under observation all through my labor. This time it was different, my water had broken a week before my due date. I was afraid it would have some complications.

"How can your water break, your due date is next week, " Waleed asked confused from the front.

Waleed had panicked seeing the liquid near my feet. He had not much experience with deliveries. My mom was there with me in the hospitals all the time. Waleed used to visit twice daily once in the morning and once in the evening.

This was a completely new experience for him. He had gone on a panicked mode, he had gotten the wrong bag from the room. It was good that I had checked it before loading it in the trunk of the car and found it was not the bag I had packed for the hospital.

"Mia, you can hang till we reach a hospital right? I don't know how to deliver a baby, "he spoke again in a panicked voice.

"Will you stop annoying me and concentrate on driving? This is all your fault, "I glared at the back of his head.

"What the hell did I do now?" He asked, shocked.

"It was your idea to have sex," I growled.

"But the doctor said it was okay to have sex," he replied confused.

"The doctor said gentle lovemaking not rough sex," I tsked from the contraction.

Oh God, these contractions were getting stronger and we were not even halfway to the hospital. I hope we reach it before the baby starts pushing out my vagina.

"Baby, as far as I remembered you were the one asking for harder and faster," Waleed teased.

Cocky Bastard.

He was lucky I was in the middle of labor otherwise I would teach him a good lesson, "Will you just shut up and drive, " I don't want to hear your annoying voice.

Waleed stayed silent for the rest of the drive and I kept taking deep breaths, the contractions were coming at steady intervals and I knew the delivery won't be long from now. We reached the hospital finally and I was escorted to the examination room by a wheelchair.

Waleed was pacing in the room until the doctor arrived. It was the first time he was alone with me during labor, otherwise, mom had always been with me. The doctor came after a few minutes. She checked me and announced the cervix was dilated eight centimeters.

"It might take less than an hour for the delivery," she said.

She injected me with the epidural and asked me to wait and that they will soon escort me to the labor room. The moment the doctor left my side Waleed came and stood beside me.

"You okay, baby? Can I do something for you? Should I massage your shoulders?" He asked gently.

One thing Waleed was good at was a body massage. He was a blessing as a husband during pregnancy. Whenever I would be tired after a long day at work, Waleed would make sure to treat me with a massage and then run a bath for me.

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