Chapter 15

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I knew why Dada must be calling. He might have come across the news of the blast. Had Waleed informed him he was in Singapore? I tried to calm my racing heart and picked up the call.

"Assalam Alaikum," I greeted, trying hard to normalize my voice.

"Walekum Assalam, where is Waleed? I have been trying to reach him, but his cell is unreachable. I just saw the news about the blast," Dada inquired when he heard my voice.

I couldn't understand what I should tell him, he was alone back in Panaji, and this news could prove disastrous for his health.

Where are you, Waleed Kamal?

I was still trying to figure out what to answer him when he spoke again," Rameen, are you there? Can you hear me?"

"Dada, yes, I can hear you," I said, looking helplessly at Shahwar.

He came forward and took my cell from my hand, and started speaking to Dada. I don't know what he said to him because I was sitting there holding my head in my hands and trying to control my tears. What was happening to us? So much had happened in the last two months that I was losing my sanity.

I remembered Ahad's drawing, the way he had drawn that dark figure. I had warned Waleed about it, but he hadn't taken my warning seriously. It was a child's intuition, and I knew they had proven correct in many cases.

Who could be the one trying to harm us, and why? My mind kept going back to Leonardo, but why would he want to taint the image of our firm when he had signed a partnership deal with us? Right then, I only wanted to have Waleed back in my arms. I remembered our telephone conversation that morning and how rudely I had spoken to him.

What if it was the last time we spoke? What if Waleed was in the hotel when the blast occurred? I couldn't think further than that. My tears kept trickling down my cheeks. I didn't have control over them. I had only cried because of Waleed in my life. Nothing else could make a tear appear in my eye as Waleed did.

What have you done to me, Waleed Kama? Why did you make me fall in love with you? And why had he left me alone? What would I do without Waleed? How would I live without him? My day started with him and ended with him. What will I do now?

Waleed can't do this to me. He had to be alive. Waleed needs to come back to me, come back to our kids. How would they live without his love and his affection? Abdullah was so young he hadn't even spent enough time with him.

I looked at Abdullah in my arms. He was looking at me with his grey eyes wide open. He had his two fingers in his mouth and was sucking on it. My heart was crushed, and I was short of breath. How would I answer his question about his father when he grows up?

Waleed needed to be there for me, for the kids. You can't just leave us alone. Rushna hugged me, and my sobs only intensified.

"I can't live without him, Rushna. I can't even imagine my life without him. I will die if something happens to Waleed," I said, trying to control my sobs.

Rushna offered me water, and I declined it. I wanted Waleed and nothing else. I wanted him to hold me in his arms and tell me everything would be fine. To assure me he would always be there with me and protect us with his life.

"Ohhh, Waleed. Please return to me, baby. I promise I will never tease you again. I will never be rude to you. I will never fight you. Please come back to me only this time, baby. Please hold me in your arms and love me until the world stops," I pleaded to his image.

Look, where love had brought me, I was a pleading mess just because of Waleed. The more I tried to stop thinking about him to get a hold of myself, the more his memories flooded me. His smiles, the way he held me, the way he kissed me, the way he teased and pleased me. The way he was possessive about me and the kids. The way he would protect us fiercely. I was Waleed's through and through, and I had no clue what to do if something happened to him.

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