Chapter 18

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I stared at Waleed, who had been very silent since yesterday. I knew he was worried because of the blast and had booked a late-night flight for all of us to Singapore. We were waiting to get over the anniversary party of Shahwar and Rushna. I wasn't in the mood to attend the party, but we had personal and business terms with them.

"What are you thinking?" I asked Waleed while tying the knot of his tie.

"I don't trust Bianchi," he said, looking into my eyes.

"I don't trust that man either," I replied.

"Did something happen, Mia? While I was in Singapore?" His eyes roamed over my face, searching for clues.

I wanted to tell him what had happened, but I knew Waleed wouldn't think twice before killing Bianchi. He still was as possessive about me as on the day of our marriage.

"Waleed, it's something I can't put my finger on. He didn't do anything that would give away his intentions, but I feel something sinister lurks under his shiny exterior," I gave him a twisted reply.

It was clear as a day that Leonardo wanted me, but I didn't think that would go down well with Waleed.

"I will kill him if he as much makes a move on you," Waleed cupped my face with his hand and kissed me.

It was a slow, sensual kiss, just an assurance that he had my back and I didn't have to worry about men like Leonardo Bianchi. He might be one of the most influential men in the world, but Waleed was no less. The way Waleed expanded our business in the last few years was remarkable.

I had always been in awe of Waleed. He was a perfectionist and a control freak. He had always wanted perfection in his life. His dedication towards our family and business was otherworldly. It wasn't easy to balance both, but Waleed accomplished it with such ease that I fell for him all over again.

"How did a perfectionist like you fall in love with me?" I asked Waleed when we broke the kiss.

"You are imperfectly perfect, Mia. I don't know what attracted me to you. We were bound to fall in love with each other," he said, tracing a line from my cheek to the edge of my lips and gently tugging at it.

Waleed often did that, and every time he did, it reminded me of our drive back to the city from the resort's site. The first project on which we worked together brought us closer. Waleed bought that resort two years back.

He said that it was the place where he first felt our connection. That day was so vivid in my imagination that I only needed to close my eyes, and I was back in Waleed's arms. If he had not saved me, I would have fallen on the ground head first.

A shiver of excitement ran down my spine as I remembered how his touch affected me at that moment. If not for Ben, we might have ended up kissing each other. There was something about Waleed's touch that made me crave it from the first time he touched me. I still couldn't understand what it was, but I had never felt like that for anyone else.

"What are you thinking?" He asked, looking at me curiously.

"I was thinking about our first day at the site of the resort," I smiled.

Waleed wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Giving a peck on the tip of my nose," If not for Ben, we would have kissed that day itself. That prick made me wait for months for our first kiss," he said with a scowl on his face.

"How did you control yourself for so long? Now, you can't even stay two days without sex when we are together," I asked him.

"Did I ever tell you I used to steal kisses when you were asleep?" Waleed said sheepishly.

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