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-Title: Never ending love story-

Edward smiled as he watched Margo walk down the stairs, she looked beautiful. Today was the day of the prom. Every girl in the small town had stat down to do their makeup, making sure everything looked alright, while their dress hung up on the corner of their bedroom door, making sure not even a single wrinkle set in before they got a chance to put it on. It was what almost every single girl looked forward too, their day to feel like a princess.

None of that being at all what Margo wanted to do, and that was perfectly okay with Edward.

She was wearing a pair of leggings, she found them a little less itchy than jeans today, and her yellow hoodie that made her look like part of the sun; and she was to him. Margo Baker was the sun.

"Are you ready?"He asked Margo as she got closer to him, their shoes almost touching as her head popped up and followed along the line on his forehead.

It had been a week since Margo had gotten out of the hospital, and for the most part she was brand-new. Her head had really been sore the last couple of days, and so Margo and Edward had spent their couple 'recovery days' watching movies and laying on the couch, Edward tidying the house every time Margo had drifted into sleep. He would arrive around 8, when her alarm woke her up and 10 minutes after Owen had left, who by the end of the week had just left the front door open for him.

Owen was beginning to feel bad about the way he had spoke to Edward once he had arrived at the hospital. Owen wasn't use to someone else being as protective and caring towards Margo as he was. It was always the two of them, Margo and Owen were the baker siblings who never stopped loving and protecting one another, Margo saved the older Baker brother just as much, or even more than he had saved Margo.

"Im so ready, the tables will be turned very soon"Margo smiled, "Did I use that right? I heard it in a show last night"Margo continued, taking the keys from Edwards hands and walking around him, right to the drivers side.

The two of them had spent much of the last 4 months with him teaching her everything about driving. After their first time driving, he realized driving really wasn't a second nature activity for her. He used some of the property Carlisle had owned and built her a little driving town, with the help of lifting from Emmett and Alice designing the stop light and fake shops that lined the dirt 'roads'.

They had begun slowly, after Margo accidentally hit 'the Cullens miniature ice cream shop" Alice had painted on some wood that stood at the front of their little town. Even Margo found 'Carlisle's Urgent Care' to be cute, "but you should really call him 'Mr or Dc. Cullen".

But today, today was a big day. Today was the day Margo could take a test and finally be able to drive on her own. She could drive to Edwards house, she could pick him up for school. Margo wasn't a stranger to feeling as if Edward did more for her, then she did for him. That made things unequal, and she wasn't okay with that. Margo read that's how relationship burnout happened, and after reading the causes, she's made a packed with herself that she wouldn't let that happen to her "ever changing modern day relationships".

"I have to ask you an important question Margo"Edward spoke as she moved her seat up, and beginning to adjust her mirrors.

"Yes, Edward?" Margo had become slightly more comfortable with nicknames, she through out a 'babe' once, neither of them very much liking that one, making a note to herself never to read that blog site again, their use of babe was very different than how it plays out in person.

"Promise you'll only go the speed limit"He joked, and while Margo got it, making reference to the first time Edward had ever drove her to school, but she didn't laugh, instead just nodding her head as a look of concentration over her eyes as she placed the car into drive as she began to pull out of the driveway.

Edward couldn't help but to look at her and smile. There wasn't a single thing more he could have ever asked for. Edward felt alive again, as if she had taken all of the cold out of him, replacing it, with what felt like warmth. Even when he knew that was impossible.


Edward watched as Margo walked out of the drive test building, her face neither happy or sad as she looked up to make sure the boy was standing where she had left him.  Looking back down to her feat, Margo smiled to herself.

"Well, how did it go?"Edward asked, scrunching his eyebrows lightly, she wasn't thinking anything about the test either.

"Pulling the test out of her pocket, she held it up and allowed an awkward, slightly a little too much teeth smile, She had passed.

"Im so proud of you"He smiled, which Margo noted as she felt her heart skip a beat. Margo knew that just like every other emotion, Love was another one she wasn't sure she had a full grasp on, even with the amount of studying she does, or talking with her therapist Mary, she always felt like she was missing the last piece of emotions that would make her completely understand. But last week, Mary had told her how important it was, even if it wasn't the correct emotion, say how you think you feel. Mary was a big pusher of going out of Margos comfort zone, but as Margo understood, practical application is always better than theory.

"I love you"Margo said, fast and all at once, the three words sounding like a jumbled sentence. This was one of the first times Margo had felt confident. Confident she'd used the terminology right. Confident she understood the emotion.

Love = Edward.

-The End-

Im absolutely sobbing, this ending was everything I wanted to be.  This book makes me fall in love with writing all the time, and right now writing has given me so much motivation.

Im proud of this, and boy am I emotional to keep going.

But boys and gals and everyone, is new moon being planned. Get excited, get ready for more Cullen family time, and get ready for the drama, and to watch Margo blossom even more.

Did you all like the chapter? I actually cried guys.

Published: 03/31/2021


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