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It was 8:05 am when Margo baker opened her door, her anxiety slightly subsiding as she saw Edward and his Volvo parked out of her house. Turning around, she pulled the key out of her pocket, locking the door before checking it twice, knowing if she didn't she'd make him turn around at one point.

Today was the day they were going to the greenhouse, as Margo was in Honours Biology, which was right before lunch, she was also going on the trip as well. She typically didn't like these things, she always sat alone with her headphones on because the change in schedule threw her off, no matter how long ago they announced the trip. For some reason, it brought a sense of calmness to Margo that Edward was going, she couldn't describe it, and she definitely wasn't sure what it meant. She had a hard time naming why she felt the things and ways she did. Margo often noticing the negative feelings mixing and settling in the pit of her stomach like a mason had built bricks around it.

"Hello Edward," Margo said, her voice held a well-rested tone as the tips of her lips curled up, but her eyes not meeting his.

"Good morning, Margo" Edward replied, waiting as she buckled her seatbelt before he began to back out of her driveway. Edward could hear her breathing start to even out as they got on a major road, her eyes shifting back and forth from the speedometer to the road, and after five minutes of that repetitive action, she had decided he wasn't going to all of the sudden speed. Though she checked every so often, keeping him honest to his word.

"Are you excited for the trip?"Edward asked, breaking the last few minutes of comfortable silence.

"A little, I enjoy seeing all the plants" Margo nodded, her eyes moving out to the window as she watched all the trees they passed go by.

"Are you are Gardner?"

"No, that's why I enjoy seeing the Garden" Margo's response earned hum in amusement from Edward.

"Me either, My mom is though. She loves making the house look nice"

"It's been me and Owen for as long as I can remember"Margo shared, making the boy frown as his eyes kept concentrated with the road unless he glanced down to make sure he kept the speed the same number the whole time.

"He seems like a good brother" Edward nodded, making Margo agree with me.

"He's the only one who hasn't left me"Her voice was more monotone, the hurt sound that would have come out if anyone else had said it, didn't. It was as if she was just telling Edward The Facts. Edward was sure his stone heart had just crumbled into pieces as the words left her mouth.

"Would you sit with me on the bus?"Margo asked, her question seeming a little out of the blue, but it made him smile none the less.

"Of course"He regretted his answer as soon as she said it, because to him Margo deserved more than the two words, she deserved the whole world. Edward was sure since the day he laid eyes on her, that there wasn't anything he wouldn't do if she asked.

"You don't have too if you don't want too"

"No really, I do"

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"No, I promise"

"I take those seriously" Margo nodded, only making Edward smile more.

"Then so do I"

The two didn't talk much more than that, the soft music of her favourite band didn't go unnoticed by her either as the two of them sat in a comfortable silence.

It was 8:34 when they pulled into the parking lot, which made Margo smile. If she had learned anything today, it was that Edward knew her schedule was important, and that meant more than anyone knew. Margo hadn't really realized it at the time, but Edward had given her a level of comfort, that no one else had bothered to try. He'd gone out of his way to make sure she was comfortable instead of Margo being forced to to try and fake comfortability, or if it was too much, get completely overwhelmed, anxious, and upset which resulted in her leaving the situation.

The Facts↠ Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now