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-not following a plot in the story, just the plot of their relationship-

Margo sat on the day bed that was tucked in-between a window. The window that peaked out to the front driveway. She'd been there since Edward had told her he was leaving, in which she replied the same way she ways did before he hung up; be safe. While Edward had explained many times, that nothing human could ever hurt him. Not the ice on the ground or the snow falling from the sky. No idiot drunk driving or looking down at their phone.

But that didn't make Margo feel better, because that feeling in her gut didn't go away until she saw his car pulled into her driveway. The feeling hadn't always been there, it became stronger and stronger as their time went on. From once in a while, to every single time without fail. It was like she spent most of her time holding her breath, right up until her phone rang to tell her he got home okay.

She couldn't describe it, nor could she really tell you why she was so uptight about making sure he was okay. Margo was a math person, a physics person. An atheist if she ever felt the need to be so bold. The idea of fixating on a variable she didn't know or couldn't explain was simply out of character for her. The one thing margo wasn't, was unexpected.

Margo was trying to accept that with Edward in her life, it was a huge learning curve, one she wasn't picking up as quickly as she had picked up solving for X. She was trying to understand that it was okay to make time for him, that it was okay for her to have him in her corner and still go on with her life. It was hard for her, to have someone last thing long without getting tired of her. Sometimes she felt as if the ground could give out at any moment, which by most accounts, was one in one million chance.

The sound of a car door closing pulled her thoughts out of oblivion as her eyes met Edwards, who lips were already frowning. He knew. He always knew, and while a part of Margo loved it, she hated it too. She hated that someone knew her so well, maybe because no one else ever had. Maybe because the very idea of someone understanding her without a struggle, scared her. Books, papers, books about mind-bending things, they protected her. From the struggle, from the hurt, from the people whom would never understand her; simply because they never tried.

Margo stood up and walked to the front door, meeting Edward before he even had a chance to knock on the front door. Edwards lips turned into a smile as soon as the wooden door moved backwards and her face came into full picture. Her eyes were locked with his feet for a second, but the warm call from his eyes looking at her face made her look up. Every time she looked into his eyes, even though it would only be for a very short few seconds, it felt easier. A little less scary every time.

"Good morning love"He spoke as he stepped into the warmly heated home. He could feel it hit his skin, the warm air seeping through the thin fabric of his hoodie. Edward stood there, waiting for her to make the first move, the two had been in this relationship, friendship, everything, long enough for him to know it took her a second.

Margo just needed a few seconds. They were filled with awkward silence, no movement from her end, accept from her eyes as they danced back and forth. Margo needed to process that she wasn't alone, that while another 'human' was in her area, she was okay with that, because it was Edward. She did this every time, even when she got into his car in the morning, even when they sat together at lunch.  Every time he left her, she needed to remind herself again the next time she saw him. Edward was okay with it.

Without much warning, or thought on her end, she moved two steps closer, their feet less than an inch apart, both of their breaths beginning to sync, it made her more comfortable. Margo didn't see it, but everyone else did. It was obvious to anyone who watched them, or even saw them once, painfully obvious to both sides of their family, that Edward would do anything for her. And he does. Edward protects her at all costs, from anything he thinks could hurt her. But within saying that, he never lied to her. There was a line he knew he couldn't cross, one of which was apparent to both of them. Margo knew he was telling her the truth, so much so that his word is as good to her as any statistic, and that took some getting used too.

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