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title; fear

Margo wondered if Edward had ever felt fear before. If he had ever seen it all flash before his eyes. Margo wondered if Edward had ever felt, what she was feeling now, which she imagined to be fear. She wondered if he really felt it, even being the way he was. If he felt his stomach drop; if he felt like the very ground he walked on was becoming uneven. Like no matter how large his lungs expanded; he couldn't get air in. The classic fear signs Margo had looked up. Like she was feeling now. I guess I'm feeling fearful.

"only once" Edward told her, breaking the silence of the car as the two of them went slightly over the speed limit as they headed towards the Cullen house.

"When I found you that first day in the cafeteria, you hadn't sat there before, but we were in the same spot as always and you sat down. You had The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin and the cover was old but it looked like you had taken better care of it than anything else. You took out your blue Bic pen and you wrote your thoughts and I thought it was the smartest thing I'd heard someone say in a long time. At that moment I felt fear, because I knew that nothing would ever be the same again"

Margo felt like there was a piece of what he had said messing. Like a part only she would miss. It felt blank, and it hurt her, even if she didn't know it. Deep down, she hated it. While she didn't understand how different she was, she knew she wasn't normal.

"That was the day Marry had pushed me out of sitting in the corner of the library for lunch. Not eating lunch was throwing off my daily routine" Margo told him, the boy letting out a small smile; like for a moment, everything disappeared.

"I didn't understand, you know" Margo said, breaking the silence yet again as she looked out the window. The pitter-patter of the rain somewhat soothing as they drove.

"I know what people say about me, and while I don't often understand tone, jokes or puns, It all still hurts my feelings. I looked up the horrible words people have whispered like somehow I'm so much different than them. My bone structure is the exact same as everyone else. So I didn't get it, why you stood up for me, I even made a mind map and I couldn't connect the dots, I couldn't see the pattern. It scared me too. But Marry says that love is something that has no answers or explanation, it just is. So I'm trying to be okay with that. Though even an equation could be beneficial" Margo explained as the two of them pulled into the Cullens driveway.

There was that feeling again, in the pit of Edwards's stomach. Like everything could change in a matter of seconds; like this moment wouldn't last forever. As soon as he put the car park, he could smell it. Something unwanted was here.

"If I asked you, would you stay in the car until I came back to get you?"Edward asked her, his fists tightening on the wheel with every second that passed, but she didn't quite understand. Margo felt like there should have been a part of her that wanted to say no; because him not being by her side scared her. Those symptoms of fear always rushed into her whenever he left.

"I promise" she said instead, deciding that everything she was feeling, all the ones that were making his toes curl and her stomach ache, she would push them down. Now wasn't time for her feelings, which she couldn't describe or name anyway.

"Ill be right back" Edward promised, giving her hand a squeeze before taking off his seatbelt and leaving her to sit alone. She felt her fingers on her left hand grab each individual finger on her right, repeating on the opposite hand. Marry said that was one of her nervous ticks. Margo couldn't tell you why, but all she could repeat in her head was "something wicked this way comes". While it wasn't just one of the books she'd enjoyed last winter, it was the sentence she repeated whenever she felt this way, this unknown way.

It was the feeling of darkness as if someone was walking on uneven gravel, the beginning of a strange movie where all the camera shows is the shoes, dirty and falling apart before you even know who the actor is.

Margo didn't classify emotions the way others do. It's not as simple as sad or angry, or happy. Its feelings, its the things she thinks of next, what words come to mind. It's her own way of classification, its what helps her try to understand how she feels.

The lights in the side mirror caught her attention, watching as a car parked behind her. Moving the rearview mirror, she looked faintly to see Bella and Kian get out of the car, the slam of the car door making her jump in her seat as she pulled on her pointer finger slightly harder.

Margo's eyes never left the couple's backs as they rushed into the house, she watched as Bella tried her best to keep up with him, she watched as his chest puffed in and out, which Edward had told her was sora like for dramatic effect. Which she also didn't really understand, but she appreciated him putting it into terms she understood more so.

She refocused when she caught a man going down the stairs, it wasn't one of the Cullens, that she could tell. But from as far back as she was, she couldn't tell exactly who it was. The person set her even deeper on edge, something she wasn't familar with.

The next thing she knew, she watched the large glass door open, watching one of the guys from the team of three, walk out. She suddenly felt unsafe, scared; because Edward wasn't there.

"Can you please calm down?! She is already scared enough!"

"It's not all about her!"She heard them yell as they all walked outside the door, she just wasn't clear about who they were talking about.

"Watch your tone"Edward grunted, stepping another inch closer to his brother as Carlisle put his hand out between the two.

"Margo is part of this family, and you will be respectful to her, do you understand me Kian?" Margo watched as the two brothers never broke eye contact as Edwards's lips started to move again.

"Get everyone, and get them to the garage; now" after the words left his mouth he turned to face the girl sitting in his car as he gave her a small smile, the same one he gave her every time he saw her.

"Is everything okay? Did I cause a fight?"Margo frowned as he got back in the car, his hand finding her right away as he locked it in tight with his.

"No, never"Edward spoke, her words seeming more sure of himself than ever. It was no longer a fight, but it was now his basic instinct to defend her, to stick up for her, to protect her.

Within five minutes, every Cullen plus the two girls stood in the large garage full of cars. Margo stood inbetween Rose and Edward as everyone shouted ideas across, at this point Margo couldn't keep track of the things they were actually going to do and the other things which one person had said no too.

"Ill go with Bella, Jasper and I will drive her south" Margo looked up to see the look of what she could only guess would be scared, the idea of leaving Kian was too much for them.

"I'll go with you, maybe I can help"Margo volunteered, earning eyes of shock from almost everyone, including Edward whos face was anything but happy.

"Absolutely not"Edward spoke, watching as Margo made eye contact with him, without blinking.

"Absolutely yes, and that's final" Margo said, looking away as she grabbed a backpack and made her way to Alice and Jasper.

Over his dead body would be let her drive away in a car without him. Not when Edward felt so close to losing it all, when he felt so dangerously close to risking the life of the one girl who he loves with everything in him.

Well! What does everyone think?
Margo will always be my favourite story!
Published/edited: 09/12/2019

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