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It was bad enough that she'd followed Bella without telling Edward, but it was gloomy outside, in a place she didn't know, without anyone that made her feel safe. Margo had nothing against the girl, but Bella didn't really scream 'safety net' to her, especially not the way Edward did. Margo had a feeling in her gut, one that felt as if it was screaming at her; yet she didn't know what it was saying.

Now here she was, sitting in the back of a bright yellow taxi, thinking of things that should bring her comfort, like her therapist had taught her.

"Bella is from here, she knows the area well. You know Bella, you can trust her" This should have helped, but as soon as they walked out of the hotel room, she looked at the slightly shorter girl, "you cannot call Edward, I know how to make this all go away, but I need you to be on my side, not his right now". If only Bella knew the position she put her in, maybe she did know, which would have only made it worse.

Margo looked at the hotel getting smaller and smaller behind them, the thought crossing her mind, the one wish that in this moment she would be back sitting on the uncomfortable couch waiting for Edward. He was beginning to become her soft spot, he helped her in ways Margo was sure she didn't even know.

The taxi pulled up in front of a brick building, the sky now swallowed by the night, nothing but the moon and a poorly lit streetlight by the sign for the studio.

Margo didn't want to get out of the car. She felt as if, just for a brief second, she was suctioned cup to her seat. The look in Bella's eyes made Margo nod as she unbuckled herself and opened the backseat drivers side door.

She immediately felt unsafe. She immediately wanted Edward.

Pulling the wooden door open for the both of them, Bella signalled to let Margo go first, the tension and fear in the air was being put out by both of them. The moonlight illuminated parts of the dance floor as they started walking in, the part most confusing to Margo is why they were here. Bella had refused to tell her, and Margo had refused to let Bella go alone, which had ended her in a random studio.

"Bella what are we-"

"Sh!"Bella snapped, making Margos eyes water as she took a small step back.

"You should be nicer, Bella" A voice spoke, making both of the girls head snap up, the anxiety kicking in with Margo, her heart going faster and faster every second.

"Bella? Bella where are you?"A voice called, making Bella run, leaving Margo right in the middle of the dace floor.


"Mom, Im here!"Margo heard the swan daughter call, but her feet felt as if they had been cemented to the floor, just like in the taxi, she was scared.

Margo watched as Bella's hands went up to the nobs of the closet door, pulling the doors back to see a tv stand with a video playing, the woman on the tv Margo had assumed was Bella's mom. She watched how the figure snuck right up behind the swan girl. Margo felt as if her body was on fire, her head screaming at her, every single part of her shaking. What should she do? If she moved would Edward be mad at her? Were the Cullens already mad at her? Jasper, Alice, she left them without even a note, mostly because Bella said there was no time to write one.

"Thats my favourite part, you were a stubborn child, weren't you?" Margo gulped as the man got closer to Bella, his words sending shots of fear in both of their bodies. Suddenly his hands were around Bella's face, and before either of them could blink, he'd pushed her against the wall, his hands closer and closer to her neck.

"Im sorry" he laughed, clearly enjoying how uncomfortable he was making Bella. Margo didn't know what to do, but she knew she couldn't just stand in the same spot, shaking, any longer. Her head began to move, looking around the room for something heavy she could use, her eyes landing on a lamp that sat on one of the tables pushed up against a wall, some moonlight hitting it. She knew he was a vampire, and she knew they heard things, she knew they could sense things, move way faster than either girls combined. Margo moved slowly, one step at a time, while she held her breath, and with a stroke of luck, she'd made it to the lamp.

Margo had seen this in a movie once, a strike to the back of the head and hopefully he'd be down. She began moving closer, the other two almost oblivious to the fact that Margo was even here.

"You know, but you really made it too easy, so to make things more entertainin-"Margo hit him over the head, the lamp breaking off into pieces, but it had hardly touched him. Throwing Bella to the ground, his face went from angry to the worst Margo had ever seen. He began walking towards her, Margo gulping every time she took a step back, her entire body shaking once again.

"You poor, pathetic thing, a lamp? Really?"He laughed, walking faster to close the gap, pushing her up against the wall, just like he'd done too Bella only a few seconds prior. She felt his hand go around her neck, his squeeze getting tighter on her as she closed her eyes, tears dripping from her eyes, the next thing she knew she was being thrown in the air.

Margo's body landed on the floor, blood slowly trickling down from the back of her head, where she had it the wall before falling on the ground.

"Now now now, where were we"He chuckled, pulling the camera back out as he walked towards Bella, the real one he was after.

It wasn't until Kian and Edward ran into the building at full force that James had finally left Bella alone, must to his disappointment at the Cullen jumped on top of him, doing whatever he could to get him away from the love of his life.

The first thing Edwards eyes met when he walked into the studio was Margo's body, laying there limp and lifeless, and when she didn't look up to meet his eyes, Edward knew she was hurt, because she wasn't waiting for him. Margo always waited for him.

He picked her up, feeling the warm blood soak through his clothes, turning around slowly to watch as Kian and James fought across the floor, as Bella laid on the ground. Edward knew he would get Margo out of the room okay, because truthfully Margo wasn't the one he wanted, which only fulled his anger. They had all put his Margo in danger, and none of that was okay.

"She's been hurt, I need to get her to the hospital, now"Edward yelled while Carlisle ran in, "Kian, he needs you, I just need the keys"Edward spoke, knowing if he could- there would be tears running down his face.

"You're going to be okay Margo, I promise"He spoke, planting a small kiss on her head before shutting the back seat door, and hoping into the drivers seat, the rearview mirror placed on her, his eyes hardly leaving it at he drove down the road, breaking one of his first promises to her.

Never to break the speed limit.


Hello my loves!
Ah, twilight is almost over for them, but the new moon while be on its way, and boy is it juicy.

Published/Edited: 03/22/21

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What did everyone think?I personally loved writing this chapter! AHHH
Two updates in one night? Lets see(:

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