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"Edward, I really don't like this" Margo said as she walked beside him, their bodies in sync as their feet walked on the soft forest floor that was covered in green.

The touch of his cold hand on her back brought her comfort as it stayed in the same poison as it had for the last five minutes; when her feet almost slid out from under her.

"Just two more seconds, I promise," he told her, his words slightly less sure of himself than they used to be as their feet hit solid flat ground.

Moving a few branches out of the way, Edward watched as Margo let out a small smile. The scene in front of her was a clearing, a hole in the middle of the tree canopy allowing sunlight to peak through; the grass seeming greener as the flowers seemed even more beautiful.

"After watching many horror movies- all of which weren't by choice, this isn't the part where you kill me is it?"

"Of course not" Edward said, finding it hard to not smile at the slightly shorter fork beside him. He watched as her eyes kept moving, trying to take the beautiful sight in all at once.

Without thinking, Margo began walking into the opening, the sounds of birds chirping making her smile as the grass beneath her flattening under her feet before she turned around, realizing Edward had stopped walking beside her.

"Aren't you coming?"Margo asked him, scrunching her eyebrows in confusion as her eyes briefly met his.

"Margo, I need you to promise me you won't leave after I show you what I show you"Edward said to her, slowly walking closer to her.

"Okay, I promise," She said, nodding her head fastly as she watched Edward take a large breath in. What happened next was something that made her think this was all a dream; Edward had vanished out of thin air. Blinking a few times, Margo swallowed hard before her trembling lips pressed together.

"Edward?"Everything became silent for a second before she felt a tap on her shoulder, making her let out the loudest scream she'd ever made as she turned around to see Edward now standing behind her.

"How, I don't understand, you were over there-" Margo said, tucking her hair behind her ears as she turned around and pointed to where he'd been standing before.

"Margo, I'm not normal-"

"That's okay, neither am I, I think that's what people call a good team"Margo said, placing a hand on his arm as she watched Edward close his eyes.

"Margo, I need you to listen to me, okay?"Her lips pressed in a thin line as she nodded her head again.

"I know you like when everything has a reason. When everything has a scientific reason for exciting, for functioning. But I don't. I'm not human, and I can't exactly find a scientific reason to explain how- but I need you to understand; i don't want to lie to you anymore"

"You aren't making sense Edward" Margo said, shaking her head as she looked him in the eyes. Taking her smaller hand in his, Edward began walking backwards with her, turning his head ever so slightly as he watched how close they got to the sunshine middle.

Without another word, Edward pulled both of them into the sun, her eyes going wide and her breathing coming to a vicious halt as he watched his face turn to diamonds. Shaking her head side to side, Margo took her hands out of Edwards and began walking backwards in the other direction.

"You promised you wouldn't go"Edward said, making Margo stop in her tracks as her eyes returned to his feet.

"I don't understand. This doesn't make any sense"Pulling her phone out of her pocket, a gust of wind blew her hair back, making her look up to Edward now only inches of from her.

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