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"S-U-P-E-R-N-A-T-U-R-A-L for 14 points" Margo said as she placed every letter on the board, making her smile as her word was the longest yet. Edward watched from his spot across from at the Baker's dining room table, his eyes never leaving Margo as she wrote down her score.

It was Sunday night and the two sat at the table eating Chinese food and playing board games. They'd started off with Clue, a game Edward had never played before but after playing multiple rounds he was beginning to get the hang of it. Then they moved to chess, which was a very close game, both of them winning a round before Margo suggested scrabble.

Margo's eyes tilted upwards to see Edward who's eyes were now trained on the board in front of them, his face looking perplexed as he sat almost too still for Margo.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?"Margo asked, a large frown falling onto her thin lips as she looked at him. It took Edward a second before he registered the sound of her voice and his eyes met hers for just a second before she looked down at the board.

"No, I'm just not feeling great"Edward told her, his body becoming unnoticeably stiff and tense to the girl who tried her hardest to hold eye contact before it fell.

"You haven't really eaten much, maybe you're hungry?"Margo asked, her mind busy searching for answers while she watched Edward take a shaky breath out.

"Do you mind if we pick this up tomorrow Margo?"Edward asked- the warm tone in his voice vanishing with every letter as Margo's heart began to sank.

"Of course not, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well-"The conversation ended there as Edward got up abruptly, his knee smacking the bottom of the table which made her jump, her heart in her throat as tears began to grow in her chocolate brown eyes.

Had she done something wrong?

Margo shook her head slightly as she took a much needed deep breath in. Margo had told herself the first day Edward had dropped her off at home, she wouldn't get attached. She'd made the same mistake in ninth grade with Ashley Carswell, who had used her to pass English and pretended to be her friend in the process. That's when Margo wrote off people because though she didn't understand all of it, people were mean to her, they seemed to strive off the fact that she didn't know any better. Owen had explained it to her- or tried too.

Standing up, Margo began to clean up the table, everything suddenly becoming to messy for her. She starts with all the A's, cleaning up the five A's on the board before she moved to the Bs, then the Cs before she found herself putting the red box lid on top. Margo looked at Edwards plate, which sat next to his glass of coke; both of which were untouched, which made Margo confused.

Margo stood there for a second, thinking about every time they'd been together during lunch, he'd never eaten. Margo had never seen him put food near his mouth. Leaving the boxes of games on the table, she made her way to her room, the medium sized bungalow only lit from the large light over the dining room table.

Opening her laptop, Margo's long thin fingers typed GOOGLE into the search bar. She looked at the screen for a second, the google sign with a cute animation for whatever special day it was before she looked to her side and saw her yellow notebook that sat perfectly straight to the corner of her desk.

Grabbing one of the several blue Bic pens that stood in her mason cup writing utensil holder, she brought the book over to her; opening it to the next available page.

Margo felt relief brush over her body as she opened her car the next morning to see Edward and his Volvo parked outside at the same time they'd agreed upon. He stood leaning against the front, his arms crossed over his grey jacketed chest with a smile on his face. He looked normal now.

"I wasn't sure you were going to come back" Margo told him honestly, her voice holding a sad tone that she didn't notice like he'd brought it out in her involuntarily.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday," Edward said as Margo stopped only a few inches away from her.

"It's fine, Im sorry if I did something. If I did, could you tell me? I don't want to upset you again-"Margo's fast words came to an abrupt stop as she felt Edwards cool skin around her hand. Her eyes moved from his chest region to her hand which was now being held by his.

"Do you have a heart condition?"She asked randomly, her eyes meeting his for a second as a smile cracked on his lips.

"I mean, you're young, but your skin is freezing. Poor circulation can cause the skin to be colder than normal. Are your feet blue? I mean you have a dad for a doctor so I'm sure if you did, he'd take care of you more than I could"With all the rambling, Edward had noticed she hadn't pulled her hand away, and Margo couldn't really figure out why she hadn't either. Without her even knowing, the feeling of his hand in hers brought her comfort. Like it was telling her body he wasn't going anywhere, she felt calm.

"I'm fine, you worry too much. Let's go" Edward said, taking her bag for her as they made their way to her side of the car, she smiled at him as he opened the door for her, which didn't go without a small thank you.

The rest of the car ride was quiet, the quiet noise of the radio kept the car in a comfortable silence as Margo watched the trees that they pased by. Margo liked trees. She liked that all of them were different. Some short and fat or tall and thin, every tree with a different leaf and in a different place- they reminded her of people.

"Hey Edward?"Margo asked as they pulled into school, in the same parking lot as always.

"Hm?"He said, turning off the car and placing the keys in his pocket before he turned to look at her.

"Are you anorexic?"

"What?"Edward laughed, his eyes scrunched together as he looked at her, watching as she took the notebook out of her backpack.

"Well, after you left last night I noticed you hardly ate when you said Chinese was fine. So then I thought about it and I don't think I've ever seen you eat, like anything. You're pretty thin, too thin for how tall you are. Google says that maybe counselling will help, I'm sure we could-"

"Margo, I'm not anorexic"

"But you're so thin, and you're always freezing- I don't understand then"Now Margo was the one with scrunched eyebrows and confusion written all over her face as she reread the notes she'd taken.

"Do you trust me?"Edward asked, his chest slightly uneven as he took a breath out.

"Um, yes?"Margo told him, unsure of her own words as he took the keys out of his pocket and placed them back in the ignition.

"Where are we going?"

"To answer every question you've got"

published/edited: 04/11/2019

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