two: three

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-Title; Defence and Statistics-

"She is still asleep"Edward spoke, walking into the living room after bringing Margo to his bedroom and into the bed that he'd gotten recently. He figured at one point Margo might want to lay down, or maybe lay in bed and read, and he wouldn't have anything for her. He made this big choice after Margo said one very small thing, that made his whole world light up; " im just about as comfortable in your room as im comfortable in mine".

He could tell that without moving a muscle, he knew she was okay, because could hear her breathing, and by now he knew what meant what. He could tell when a panic attack was coming on, he could tell when she was asleep or beginning to fall into slumber. He knew when she was having a bad dream versus a good one. But that didn't change the fact that he needed to go and lay his eyes on her to make sure, confirming what he'd already known. After tonight; he's expecting her to run away and never see him again. Edward had never really realized just how observant he was until he and Margo had begun their relationship/friendship, as she had told him she counts him as both. The small sentence had meant so much to the pale boy.

As he sat down next to Esme, who patted him on the arm, as a sign of motherly comfort, something he hadn't realized he needed in the moment.

"So what are we going to do? Damage control needs to be done" Kian spoke as he walked in the door after dropping Bella off. Edward looked back at the time, it was only 7:30. Margo had to be home by 10:00, so he'd let her sleep for another two hours.

"We are gonna act like this didn't happen and only use gift bags for now" Rose said with a snicker, making Emmett laugh which earned him a look from Esme, emotions were too high to try and make jokes right now, anything could set either one of the two boys off.

Esme wasn't sure when this all turned into a competition between Kian and Edward. Margo was an great girl, and her opinion on Bella was much the same, because they both made her boys happy; and that was the greatest gift she could have asked for.

"Or we leave, think about it, it's clearly not safe for them" Kian spoke, his words sounding like ice as the left his frozen lips.

"Are you out of your god damn mind?"Edward spoke, wasting no time for pleasantries as he stood up, his face stone, but some how everyone knew his emotion was anger, and it was directed at one person.

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought you cared about Margos safety, I guess some love just goes deeper than others" Kian spoke, his eyebrows raised just enough to make anyone want to hit him.

"I thought I'd put her safe enough out of the way, don't you dare question that"

"But it wasn't enough, was it Eddie?" Kian egged on, paying attention to Edward as he stepped closer, his jaw locked.

"Should we really talk about the cause of these issues? Or ignore them to spear your feelings, again?" Edward asked, watching as the shit-eating-smirk left Kians lips.

"Watch yourself Eddie"

"Guys, do we really need to have this fight again?" Rose spoke up as her and Emmett entered the living room, everyone now there but Alice, Jasper and a sleeping Margo.

"After what he just suggested, I don't think it's uncalled for"

"Agreed. Leaving Margo behind? Absolutely not, she's family"Emmett spoke, making Edward smile.

"So is Bella!"

"She doesn't hang around with us, make it a point to get to know us, Margo tries and she tries hard"

"Leaving either of them isn't a good option, they have knowledge others know they have, that makes them vulnerable, which means they need us"

"Why? Because we do such a bang up job at protecting them?" Kian asked, not bothering to acknowledge Alice and Jasper as they walked in, both of their energies low.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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