4. Harry

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Harry woke up in pain. His shoulder hurt something fierce. He tried to open his eyes, but the sunlight was too bright. Slowly the night before came back to him. He was a werewolf now. Just when he thought his life could become normal, this had to happen. I mean he finally didn't have a lunatic after him trying to kill him, and he didn't have to go back to the Dursley's after this year because he is now an adult. Smooth sailing. NOT. 

His eyes adjusted enough to the light that he could open them. At the same time, he felt the sensation as if someone was holding his hand. When he looked down, he saw Remus asleep beside his bed holding his hand. He was about to wake him up when Severus came in.

"We need to talk."

"Okay. Now or in private?" Harry asked.

"Now. Wake up the wolf."

"Severus, he has a name you know. Why do you always call him the wolf instead of Remus?"

"Well since you are now one, looks like I am going to have to start."  

Harry dropped his eyes from Severus as if ashamed. 

"I am sorry Harry. I didn't mean it that way."

"You're not mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you? I am the one who sent you out there in the first place. It should have been me to get bit not you. Now wake him up so we can talk. We don't have much time."

Harry squeezed Remus's hand and called his name to gently wake him up. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed that Severus was putting up a powerful silencing charm so no one could hear what they were saying. When Remus finally woke up, and saw that Harry was awake, he quickly gave him a hug. 

"Are you ok Harry?" He asked.

"My shoulder hurts but I am alive. Severus wants to talk to us."

Both men turned to Severus. 

"Okay to start with, Remus, the reason you cannot remember what happened last night is not because of the Wolfsbane potion being bad. I don't make bad potions. It is because you were obliviated."

"Who would have done that?" he asked.

"Think man, who was in the room with you?" Severus snapped. 

"I find it hard to believe that the Headmaster of the school would obliviate a teacher." Remus replied.

Harry squeezed Remus's hand to get his attention. "Believe it. I haven't trusted him for the past couple of years. I don't look him in the eye anymore. I look between his eyes so he can't tell. He just thinks he can't get in because my Occlumency lessons with Severus were a success. Little does he know they are still a work in progress." Harry looks sheepishly at Severus when he says this. 

"Back on topic, before the Headmaster gets here to check up on you two, for some reason he is determined to convince everyone that you two are mates and that is why you, Remus, bit Harry." 

"But Remus didn't bite me. I have seen his wolf. This wolf was much bigger." 

"Besides if I bit him, he would smell like me, but he doesn't."

"I know that Remus. I got your message last night, when you practically begged me to read your mind with your eyes. However, we need to play along until we can figure out what is going on." 

So, Harry summed it up. "Ok, so Remus and I pretend to be mates. For everyone?"

"Yes. We don't know who to trust." Severus confirmed.

"How far are we supposed to go?" Harry asked.

"Definitely not all the way! First of all, I think of you as my cub and always have. Your father is one of my best friends. Secondly, it will kill a werewolf to make love to someone who is not their mate after they have been marked or done the marking. I know I marked my mate last night, but it wasn't you and now thanks to the obliviate, I don't know who it was."

"What makes you think I was marked and not just attacked?" Harry asked.

"Number 1, the bite itself.  It is a clean bite and not a tearing. If they were attacking you, they would have just torn a chunk out of you. Number 2, I can smell them all over you which means they marked you. They purposefully injected you with their saliva to make you smell like them, to mark you." Remus answered him for the second time.

"That's it. For some reason Dumbledore wants Remus and I out of the way so he is trying to convince us we are mates. That way when we consummate the union we will die." Harry exclaims.

Severus gets this serious expression on his face. "I have no clue why he would want to take you guys out but that would be a great way to do it. As for the convincing people just hugging, holding hands, maybe some pecks here and there. Just tell people you are not huge fans of public displays of affection." 

Suddenly Harry hears Poppy leave her office. 

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