8. Remus

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Remus closes the door and turns to place the nutrient potions in the kitchen. As he passes James and Sirius, they try to knock the box out of his hand breaking all of the bottles of potion. "What has gotten into you guys? What do you think you're doing?"

"We don't trust that Death Eater. He is only trying to poison our son. You will not give him any of those potions." James yelled.

"For the last time Severus was spying on the dark for the light, he is not a Death Eater. There is nothing wrong with his potions. If he wanted to do me in, he would have had plenty of chances with the Wolfsbane potion he makes me every month. As for your son, I will do what I deem is right for MY MATE. You need to drop this adolescent behavior towards Severus. We are all adults now. Act your age."

"I will do what I say is right for my son." declared Sirius.

"Except tell him that you are his father and James is his mother, right?"

"We will do that when the time is right. Right now he has enough on his plate without having to deal with that as well." James explained.

"Well, I hope you have a good reason to tell him why you guys are here unexpectedly, because he is going to be here in about 10 minutes. The final lesson for the day has just ended and Harry usually stops by here to drop off his books before going to the Great Hall for dinner."

"Oh James, we have to go. We only came to see Remus. What are we going to tell Harry if we see him."

"I don't know. As much as I want to see my baby boy, I am not ready to tell him yet. Remus, can we use your floo to go back to Grimauld Place?"

"Sure. It was great visiting with you guys. See you in a few months when the Summer Holidays start."

After some quick goodbyes, Sirius and James left Hogwarts to go home. Remus returned to grading the assignments that needed to be graded. He never could understand how teachers could complain about students not paying attention and turning in abysmal assignments. He never had that concern. Students seemed to love his class and for the most part did very well. There was the odd one or two who would think they know everything and didn't have to pay attention or do homework, but they were rare. He rather enjoyed teaching.

Suddenly his door opened and in walked Harry. "Hey Remmy. How was your day?"

"It was pretty good. Oh, by the way Professor Snape came by with nutrient potions for us to take so don't forget to grab one before heading to the Great Hall, and don't try to hide it and not take it because I already informed Hermione that you need to take one with every meal so she will let me know if you don't take it."

"Remmy. That hurts. You make it sound like you don't trust me."

"I trust you with my life Harry, I just don't trust you with your life." Remus said with a laugh.

"Alright, alright. But who is going to make sure you take yours?"

"How about this. I will talk to Severus. If he doesn't see me take one, I give him permission to tell both you and Poppy. Does that sound good?"

"That will work because if you don't take them then Poppy will confine you to the hospital wing for a week." Harry laughs. "I was going to go to the library to work on my potion essay, but I have a headache. I am going to lay down for a bit before dinner. Okay?"

"Do you need a pain potion?"

"The headache is not that bad; I just don't want to be around a lot of people at the moment kind of bad. A little rest and I should be fine to do my essay in the library after dinner."

"Okay, Harry. Rest well. I will let you know when it is time to go to the Great Hall, or would you rather have dinner here tonight."

"Great Hall is fine. I don't feel like cooking tonight."

"I meant that I would cook." Remus said.

"Um, no offense Remmy but I choose the Great Hall. You make a wonderful cup of tea." Harry says with a smirk.

"Why you......" Remus throws a couch pillow at Harry who catches it laughing and throws it back before heading to his room to lay down.

Shortly after Remus went back to grading the assignments, there was a knock at the door. He got up to answer it and found Severus on the other side. "We need to talk." Severus says as he pushes his way into the room.

"Hello to you too, Severus. What is wrong? What has got you so worked up?"

"I overheard you talking to James and Sirius. What is this about them being Harry's parents?" Severus asks.

Two things happened simultaneously. One, Remus faced palmed, and two, from one of the rooms down the hall someone shouted, "They are What?!!!"

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