5. Remus

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Severus lowers the silencing spell. Remus decides to have a natural conversation with Harry. "Are you sure you are ok Harry? I feel really bad about biting you last night, but what were you doing in the forest anyway?"

"Yes Remmy, I am fine. It hurts a bit, but I will survive. As for why I was out there I got caught wandering the castle and that was my punishment." Harry stated.

"What fool teacher sends a student to the Forbidden Forest for punishment? Especially on the full moon."

Severus looked away. Remus saw red. "You sent my mate out to the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night on a full moon? I knew you were crazy but not stupid." Just as Poppy came around the corner Remus got up out of his chair and launched himself at Severus. Remus got in a few good punches before Dumbledore entered and restrained both men with a restraining charm. 

"What is the meaning of this despicable behavior?" Dumbledore roared. Remus could tell he was only pretending outrage. He could see the twinkle in his eye indicating that he was pleased with the outcome.

"This idiot just attacked me for punishing his mate for being out of bed after hours. I will not play favoritism just because he is a teacher's mate. If I didn't for him being the Savior of the Wizarding World, then I will not now." Severus stated calmly.

If Remus wasn't restrained, he would have attacked again.  Just because Harry wasn't his mate didn't mean he wasn't his cub and his Wolf, Moony, protects what is his. "This idiot thinks it is appropriate to send a student into the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night, on a full moon, by themselves." Remus screamed.

"The full moon is the only time to collect the potion ingredients I needed." 

"You sent him out to get YOUR potion ingredients?"

"What's wrong Rem? I have done it before." Harry quietly stated.

"My mate is not your errand boy Severus. If he needs punishing for something he will be punished at the appropriate time and in the appropriate way."


Remus automatically looked at Dumbledore thinking it was him to quiet everyone and he looked just in time to see a smirk leave his face. Dumbledore was happy with Remus and Severus fighting. Remus stored that in mind to think on later, to turn to Poppy who was the real one to scream quiet.

"All this fighting is not good for my patient. You will all leave so my patient can rest." Poppy declared. 

"Please don't kick Rem out. He is my mate and I need him." Harry whined. Remus looked at him and was impressed at his cub's acting skills. 

Severus left without further comment. Dumbledore said, "I just came in to check on Harry and to tell the two of you that word got out on what happened and you two have some visitors who would like to see you." He then turned and left smiling.

"You can have visitors for 10 minutes but then it is time for you to rest. Your breakfast will be here shortly. You know the rules Mr. Potter. I expect you to eat it all." 

"Don't worry Madam Pomfrey, I don't have to return to the Dursleys anymore so no need to fatten me up for the summer." Harry grinned.

"Dear boy. I am not fattening you up for next summer I am trying to fix the damage from last summer. You are still too skinny. So, eat it all and take the Nutrient potion. There will also be a Pain potion on the tray to take after you eat so it will settle in your stomach better."

"Yes Ma'am."

Remus watched the conversation with fondness. That is until he noticed Poppy looking at them strangely. "Is something wrong?" Remus asked.

"Oh, No. I just... It's nothing. I was just thinking that if I didn't know better, I would think it was impossible for you two to be mates. You both act like your submissive. What do I know?" she laughed it off and left them alone.

Remus looked at Harry with concern and saw the same look in Harrys eyes. Remus then got up to let their guests in. "You guys have 10 minutes, and not 10 minutes a piece. 10 minutes as a group. Understand?"

"Yes Professor." Chorused Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, Charlie, Bill, Neville, Luna, Draco, Blaise, Pansy, and Theo. They all filed in after him. He noticed that Ron and Ginny were acting odd. When they reached Harry, Remus sat in the chair beside the bed. 

Ron just glared at Harry. "What is this about you being a faggot?" Ron asked.

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