15. Harry/Skoll

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Back in their room, after their meeting with Severus, Harry decided to start right in on Remus's training. It seemed odd to him, the student teaching the teacher, but that is how the current circumstances turned out. He sat on the couch looking at Remus apprehensively.

"What is wrong Harry? You look worried."

"Well, I wanted to get you started on getting familiar with Moony, but I feel weird teaching my teacher."

"If this makes you feel any better, a good teacher learns from their students every day. They just don't usually acknowledge it."

"Ok well, the first step is like you told me. Meditate, clear your mind of everything and you should be able to hear his voice. That's how it happened for me. All though, according to Skoll it will take you longer to get in touch with Moony because you have been suppressing him for so long. "

Harry watched as Remus sat in the chair and closed his eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I am starting to clear my mind and meditate."

"You need to get into the proper position, and you can't get into that on a chair. I also suggest if you use the floor sit on a bunch of pillows. That way if you float like I did, it won't hurt as much when you come crashing down." Harry said with a grin.

Remus then put a bunch of pillows and couch cushions on the floor and sat on them, he crossed his legs in the yoga position for meditating and placed his hands on his knees. Harry smiled when he finally got it right. Remus just shook his head at Harry's antics and closed his eyes.

Harry did his homework while watching as Remus mediated. Every now and then he would notice a not calm expression on Remus's face, and he would remind Remus to clear his mind. This went on for two hours. Remus never floated. Finally, Harry told Remus it was time to take a break from meditating. 

"So do you want to talk about your experience meditating?"

"I think I found Moony, but he is afraid of me. All I could hear was whimpers and pitiful howls."

"But you found him, that is wonderful. Skoll said it would take a while because the Wolfsbane hurts, and you have been taking it for a long time so Moony is really hurt.  He needs to heal and learn to trust you again."

"I understand all that but how do we keep you safe during the full moon if he doesn't trust and I don't have control?"

"Remus...Sorry, but it is you he doesn't trust right now.  According to Skoll he will trust us."

"I am putting a lot of faith in a wolf I have just met. I hope I don't regret this."

"You won't, I promise. Everything will work out.  We have three weeks until the next full moon. If you meditate every day, maybe you can make some leeway with Moony by then. When you hear the whimpering next time try talking to him soothingly like you would a scared child. Apologize to him for the Wolfsbane and promise never to use it again. Keep doing this over and over and maybe he will believe you and come out.  He might not until after the full moon though, when he sees for himself that you did not take the potion."

"What of the full moon? What precautions are we taking?"

"What do you mean by precautions?"

"Are we locking ourselves in the Room of Requirement, the Shrieking Shack, our quarters? What?"

"No precautions. No locking up. That will not allow Moony to trust you and will lose whatever trust he has in Skoll and I. We show him we trust him he shows us he trusts us.  Relax, everything will be fine."

The next three weeks are filled with classes and homework and watching over Remus while he does his meditation every night.

The night of the full moon arrives. Remus and Harry go to the clearing in the Forbidden Forest and prepare for the change like usual. Harry has to constantly reassure Remus that everything will be alright.

When the moon hits the clearing Harry feels the change starting. He lets go and allows Skoll to take control Harry being pushed back. Skoll allows Harry to see and feel what is happening he just doesn't have control; it is a weird feeling, but not all together unpleasant due to the connection the two of them have built.

Suddenly, there is a pained howl and Skoll looks over to see Moony only partially transformed, just like that time in third year when Remus forgot to take the potion. He looked scared at first and then angry. Skoll approached him calmly and let Moony sniff him, so he knows that they are no threat to him.

Moony calmed and began to whimper in confusion. Harry asked Skoll, "Why didn't he change completely?"

"He is stronger like this and isn't 100% trusting of us. Whenever he was able to break free of Remus in the past, he took this form because he felt more in control. The full moon that he turns into a full wolf will be the day he trusts Remus completely. "

Skoll barked and started running out of the clearing back into the woods to play. He looked back at Moony and saw that he hadn't moved. Skoll barked again, encouraging Moony to join him in the fun. Moony took a tentative step towards him and gradually started to walk with confidence. When he caught up to Skoll, both of them broke out into a run.

They played for a few hours before returning to the clearing and laying down to take a nap until the moon set.

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