14. Remus

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Dinner in the Great Hall dragged on as Remus thought about Harry floating above his covers while meditating. What was going through his head? What caused him to levitate? Is that supposed to happen naturally? If that is supposed to happen naturally, then Remus figures he has a lot to learn because that has never happened to him.

When dinner was finally over, Remus and Harry took a stroll around Hogwarts. Basically, they were taking the long way around to get to the Room of Requirements. Remus noticed that Harry was bouncing while walking, and figured he was excited to tell them what happened while he meditated.

They finally reached the Room of Requirements and opened up their senses to detect if anyone was around. Finding the area all clear, they summoned the door and entered to find a very impatient Severus pacing and scowling.

"What took you so long?"

"We were taking a stroll, so we didn't look suspicious coming here. What has got you so uptight?" asked Remus.

"Dumbledore called me to his office and practically demanded that I add a lust potion to your Wolfsbane potion. I can't not do it because he will get suspicious but at the same time, I can't do it because if you two have sex you will die."

" Do it. Remus and I will not be taking the potion anymore anyways." Harry stated confidently.

Then mayhem broke out with both Remus and Severus talking at the same time and neither being understood.

"Quiet down! You both can't talk at the same time one at a time please?" asked Harry.

Looking outraged Severus stares Harry in the eye and says "What do you mean you won't be taking the Wolfsbane potion anymore? That is very dangerous and idiotic."

"No, the Wolfsbane is the problem. It is poison to our inner wolfs and hurts them. All we have to do is learn to let them out other times besides the full moon and then when the full moon comes and we have no choice but to change, the wolf is calmer and less dangerous."

Severus sneered and stated, " Where did you hear that rubbish from?"

"Skoll told me."

"And who, pray tell, is Skoll?"

"My wolf. I met him while I was meditating this afternoon. He said that the reason Moony is so scrawny is because he has been taking the potion for so long. If he stops taking it and is let out more often than he will get healthier." Harry said with a smile.

"So, you try to meditate and fall asleep, have a wacky dream and you expect us to allow you to not take Wolfsbane potion?"

Remus, who was shaken to the core by this information, stopped Severus, " He was definitely meditating. He was hovering three feet over his bed."

Severus still looking doubtful turned back to Harry and said, "Prove it. Turn into your wolf and I will consider this."

"But I haven't practiced it yet. I just learned that I could do it, not how to do it yet."

"Then you better get meditating and find out how because I want to see this now."

Trying to defend his cub, Remus steps in and says "That is a bit much don't you think? He needs time."

"You don't actually believe all this do you?"

Remus looked to Harry to judge whether he believed him or not, to find his cub sitting on the floor with his legs crossed in the yoga position, hands rested on his knees. He looked so peaceful and serene.

Suddenly, he started to raise up off of the floor. The only part of him that was moving was his chest as he took calming breaths in and out.  Remus was in awe. He looked to Severus to see that his mask had slipped, and you could see the surprise and awe on his face as well.

After about 15 minutes Harry opened his eyes saw he was hovering again, and again, like last time, got startled by that and fell. This time however landing on the hard floor.

"Ouch! Remind me to always meditate on something soft. That hurt." Harry looked at Severus and asked Remus, "What's wrong with him?"

Giving a short laugh, Remus states, "I think you broke him."

"Well snap him out of it because I don't want him to miss this."

Remus snapped his fingers in front of Severus's face a couple of times and that seemed to do the trick.

"Okay. Here goes nothing."

Remus watched as Harry started taking deep breaths he then got down on all fours and screamed as he started to change before there very eyes. It was both beautiful and scary at the same time. Harry's screams turned into howls and whimpers.

When the transformation was complete, Skoll was laying on his side breathing fast. After a couple of minutes, he stood up shook his coat out and looked around. He got down on his belly and crawled, while whimpering, over to Remus and placed his head on Remus's feet.

Remus squatted down and rubbed Skoll on his head. Suddenly. Skoll jumps up tackles Remus and proceeds to give his face a tongue bath. Remus placed his hands on the big wolfs shoulders and started laughing.

Skoll got off of Remus and turned to Severus. He walked over to him and sat down near him. He proceeded to lift his right paw up over and over again. Severus just looked at him questioningly and raised an eyebrow.

"Severus, I think Skoll wants to shake your hand."

Skoll barked and lifted his paw again. This time Severus bent down and took his paw in his right hand and said, "Okay, no more Wolfsbane potion."

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