6. Harry

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Ron just glared at Harry. "What is this about you being a faggot?" Ron asked.

Harry looked shocked. "I wasn't, but I am a werewolf now and I have a mate who happens to be male. Besides, what is wrong with being gay?"

"Ron shame on you. What would mom say?" Ginny asked. "Besides he is not gay. He is my boyfriend. He can't be gay."

Harry was even more shocked. "Ginny, I am not your boyfriend. Get that through your head. I will never be your boyfriend again. I am gay. Even if I wasn't gay, I am a werewolf and have a mate. You are not my mate." Ginny started crying and left the medical wing.

"How could you treat my sister that way?" Ron yelled. "You two are destined to be married. You know you love her. This rubbish about you being a faggot is all a joke. HAHA. Now joke is over mate. Go apologize to Ginny."

Harry just shook his head at Ron's little speech. "Ron I am not going to apologize to her because what I said to her was the truth. I am gay and I have a destined mate and she is not it. My mate is Remus."

"Until you start thinking clearly you are no mate of mine, and you are no longer a member of the Weasley family. Come on Fred and George let's get out of this filthy place."

Harry looked to Fred and George, and they were just smiling at him. "We are" Fred started.

"Just fine" George continued.

"Where we are." They concluded together.

"You coming Hermione?"

"No Ronald, I am not. I don't like associating with Homophobes." Hermione declared, smiling at Harry. Ronald stomped out of the room to go look for his sister.

Harry looked at everyone else. "Anyone else going to yell at me for something I can't control?"

Everyone started laughing. "Nah, mate, we except you for who you are. After all you're a great friend to all of us." Draco said. "We are just worried about you. How are you doing with the whole finding out you're a werewolf thing?"

"Well, I was hoping for a normal life finally, but I guess that will never happen. Other than being considered a dark creature and having restrictions put on what I can and can't do, I think it is pretty cool. I am looking forward to turning into a wolf and running through the woods. It sounds fun." Harry reassured them. Even though he was scared, he didn't want his friends to know and worry about him.

Harry felt a squeeze on his hand and looked over at Remus. He could tell by the look in Remus's eyes that he wasn't fooled by Harry's little speech. Harry just smiled at him and turned back to the rest of his friends.

"Hey Fred."

"Yes George?"

"We have to work on our Animagus form so we can turn into animals too."


"As soon as I leave here, I am going to the library." Hermione announced. Everyone laughed.

"Besides the fact that you practically live there, why are you going this time?" Harry asked while giggling.

"To learn how to become an Animagus of course. I am not going to let those two troublemakers be the only ones in animal form with you during the full moon. Who knows what kind of mischief they will get you into. I have to protect my best friend."

There was a whole chorus of "I will go with you." as everyone thought it would be fun to do. Madame Pomfrey showed up with two trays levitating behind her.

"Ok everyone, time is up. Let my patient have his breakfast in peace and then get some rest." With some mild grumbling and, get well soon's, and see you later's, the troupe filed out with most of them heading to the library with Hermione. Madame Pomfrey set up the trays in front of the two men and told them to eat all of it.

"Um Poppy, I think you gave me the wrong tray. There is a nutrient potion on this tray." Remus showed her the potion.

"I know there is. And it is not the wrong tray. You need to take care of yourself better as well. Your too skinny. Now take the potion like a good boy or end up in a bed right next to Mr. Potter until I decide you are healthy enough to leave."

"Trust me Remus, you don't want to argue with her. She not only knows what she is talking about, but she is mean when she wants to be. Just be a good boy and take your potion." Harry states.

Both men pick up their potions, open them, clink them together like they were champagne glasses, look to Madame Pomfrey and take the potion in one gulp. Neither could help the funny looks on their faces at how terrible the potion tasted. Madame Pomfrey just walked away with a smile on her face, leaving the two werewolves to eat their breakfast.

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