9. Harry

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"They are What?!!!" Harry ran out of his room and into the living room. Looking at Severus' shocked face he says, "Want to repeat that one more time?"

Severus looks back and forth between Remus and Harry, seeming to be bewildered. Remus just shakes his head. "You couldn't have made sure that I was alone before opening your mouth could you. How did you find out anyway?" he asked.

Harry was even more upset. "Remmy, you knew and didn't tell me? I was hoping this was a shock to you as well. What is going on here?"

"Harry, I need you to calm down and breath. I will explain everything, even though it should have been your parents doing the explaining. Have a seat on the couch both of you."

Both Harry and Severus sit on the couch with Harry taking deep breaths trying to calm down. There had better be some good reasons for all this lying and secrets.

Remus looks like he is in teacher mode. He starts his lecture. " Ok. It all started when James first got pregnant with you. Everyone was thrilled but then Lily brought up a good point. If Dumbledore found out that James was a carrier, then he would be in danger. More importantly if James' child was a male, chances where good he would be a carrier as well putting his life in danger as well. So, they hatched this plan that Lily was James's wife, and she was the one who was pregnant. They used glamour's on the two of them to help with the plan. Padfoot still got to see James because he was over at the house all the time. Both of us were. It was decided that you would be told the truth when you came of age, however, your parents have been under the impression that you have had enough on your plate lately and couldn't handle the shock. Personally, I think they were just afraid you would be mad at them. At all of us actually."

Harry just sat there stunned. Thinking about everything he was told. He can see where Lily was coming from. If Dumbledore knew that the Potter men where carriers he would feel threatened because Wizards born from Wizards were supposedly more powerful. He could even understand not telling him until he reached his maturity. That is a big secret to carry around and a huge responsibility. He wasn't mad at Remmy for not telling him because it was his parent's job to tell him not Remmy's. He was only mad at Padfoot and James. They should have told him sooner.

Harry looked over at Severus to find him looking at him with concern in his eyes. "So how did you find out?"

Severus took in a deep breath and said, "When I came by earlier to drop off the Nutrient potions, I heard loud voices. My spy background kicked in and I eavesdropped. I heard Sirius, James and Remus talking."

"Silencing spells, I have to remember to put up silencing spells when those two are around. Not that I am not glad you two finally know but what if Dumbledore was out there and heard instead of you?"

Harry stands up. "Well, it is time for dinner, so I am headed to the Great Hall. Just so you guys know I am not mad at either one of you. I can't say as much for the other two at the moment. I just have a lot to think about."

As Harry heads to the door Remus stops him. "I know you said you have a lot to think about and the last thing I want to do is add to that list..."

"However, I have a feeling you are about to."

Remus smiles. "I just wanted to remind you that it is the full moon next week. So, starting this week you're going to want your meat a little bit on the rarer side then usual and a lot of it."

Harry nods, "Lovely." He leaves the quarters and heads towards the Great Hall. He walks on autopilot as his mind keeps going over what he was just told. How should he handle this new information. Should he just tell them he knows the next time he sees them or just sit back and see how long it takes them to finally get up the guts to tell him. Actually, he could have fun with that. Mess with their heads a bit. Just as he reaches the doors to the great hall, he decides he is not going to say anything to them and see how long it takes them to crack under the pressure.

Harry walks into the Great Hall with a huge smile on his face. That is until he smells the awful stench of all the overcooked meat in the room. Now he knows what Remus meant by wanting rarer meat than usual. Harry contacted a house elf and asked for 3 steaks medium rare. They arrived like 30 seconds later and he loved them.

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