7. Severus

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Severus was in his lab working on making more Nutrient potions, as it appears Poppy has ordered both Remus and Harry to take them with each meal until they are healthy again. He thinks over the last couple of weeks while doing it. Harry was finally released from the medical wing two days after being brought there. Since they have to pretend to be mates, Harry has moved into Remus's quarters.

Everything has pretty much gone back to normal. Harry still goes to his classes; Remus still teaches, and Dumbledore is still as secretive as ever. Severus has been in several meetings with the Headmaster and still can't figure out the reason for why he would want Remus and Harry out of the way. There is no logical reason for him to want to kill the two of them. But then again, when has Dumbledore ever needed logic to do something?

Severus has noticed the closeness between Sirius and James. It was just like back in school. Severus knew they were in a relationship but could never prove it, and now that they are back together it seems they are picking up where they left off. How James got with Lily to have Harry is a mystery because he was always with Sirius. For a time, Severus even tossed around the idea that Harry was James and Sirius's child. But then where did Lily fit in to the picture?

Severus was so caught up in his thoughts that before he knew it his potions were done. He bottled them up and prepared to bring them over to Remus's quarters. It was just before dinner so Remus would be there.

The corridors were empty, seeing as all the students where in their final lesson for the day. Severus briskly walked to Remus's quarters and was about to knock when he heard voices inside.

"What are you waiting for? We know he is your mate and we told you we were fine with it. He is of age. Why haven't you finished the mating yet?" It sounded like James talking.

"We are waiting. We have had a Godfather, Godson relationship for 5 years. We are taking time to get to know each other as mates before we go further. Why is it so important to you that we rush this anyway?"

"We just want you two to be happy, that is all." Sirius replied.

"Well, we are happy with the way things are and with the speed in which our relationship is going. And to be honest it is really creepy talking about this with my mates' parents. Even if you are my best friends."

Severus was taken aback. He was right. James and Sirius are Harry's parents. So how did Lily fit into the picture. He decided it was time to make his presence known. He put his mask in place and knocked on the door. The door was immediately opened by Sirius. "What do you want?"

"Since I am not here to see you, it is none of your business." Severus sneered.

Remus gently pushed Sirius out of the way. "What can I do for you Severus?"

"I have brought you the Nutrient potions for you and the brat. There is enough for two weeks. I will have more for you when you come to pick up your Wolfsbane Potion for this Month."

"Thank you, Severus. It was kind of you to bring these to us."

"No, it wasn't. I was ordered to by Pomfrey. She said, and I quote, 'If you don't hand deliver the Nutrient potions to them, they will not take them, so please deliver them.' end quote."

Remus laughs, "She really is a watchdog that one."

"Either way I have done my part. Whether you take them or not is not my concern. Good-bye" Severus turned around with his robes billowing behind him and stalked off. He had every intention of coming back at another time to discuss with Remus what he overheard.

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